In Acts 16:16 we find Paul and Silas traveling to a place of
prayer when they came across a slave girl who was possessed by a spirit of
divination, claiming to foretell future events and disclose hidden
knowledge. After days of being followed by this slave girl Paul
finally had enough of her shouting and murmurings that he demanded the spirit
leave her in the name of Jesus Christ, and so the spirit fled her at that very
Now, to us, well to me, this sounds like Paul did a good
thing. Paul freed her from living in sin and with a demonic spirit, but
that is not how the owners of this slave girl felt. They were so enraged with
Paul’s actions that they had him and Silas brought before the
magistrates. They found both of them guilty and the penalty was to be
disrobed and then beaten with rods, shackled and thrown into the inner jail, or
better known as the dungeon.
While in there Paul and Silas, around Midnight were praying and
singing songs to praise God, and the fellow inmates were listening.
Verse 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the very foundations
of the prison were shaken; and at once all the doors were opened and every
one’s shackles were unfastened. (27) When the jailer, startled out of his
sleep, saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was on the
point of killing himself, because he supposed that the prisoners escaped. (28)
But Paul shouted; Do not harm yourself, for we are all here!
How incredible is this! And it gets better, but first things
first. So you are in jail, for healing a slave girl of her spirits,
beaten, and then you are shackled. What would most people do in
this situation? Do you think most people would be praising God and
praying to Him?
Probably not!
I think most people would be crying and wracking their brains
trying to figure out how to get out of there, or what is going to happen to
them. They are not going to be praising God in a situation like that… BUT
Paul and Silas did!!
In my head God saw their utter devotion to Him, and since we know
there is no pit to far or deep for the arm of God to reach, He did exactly what
He needed to do, He shook the ground beneath them. He set them free; by
breaking the shackles clear off of them.
This is a metaphor for our lives, and a very good song by Mary
Mary, but if we praise God in the middle of an unfavorable situation we are
showing God our devotion, and He must move. He must make a way, whether
it is by sending an Angel to set you free, or causing an earthquake to disturb
the ground, He will set you free! Remember He is our shepherd, and
He will go looking for the one out of the 100 that is missing.
Now, as if this isn’t enough, you know God rattling the ground to
set Paul and Silas free, here is the clincher, they didn’t leave! They
stayed put. Why did they stay put, because God didn’t tell them to
move. Why didn’t God tell them to move, because He was getting ready to
use this situation to bring a family home to Him?
In Acts 16:28 when we see that Paul yelled out to the jailer to
stop him from killing himself, because no one had escaped, you know that had to
change the heart of the jailer. Here are these two men who were beaten,
shackled and thrown in a dungeon for no real reason, and they are still there,
when they could have run, and on top of that, they saved his life.
Where do you go from here… that’s right, right into the arms of
your loving Savior, and that’s exactly what happened. In verse 30 it says
And he brought them out (of the dungeon) and said, Men, what is it necessary
for me to do that I may be saved?
God took the heart of a man, who just hours before was holding
Paul and Silas prisoners for healing a slave girl, and set him free. He
is free to be a child of God. The jailer and his household went on
to accept Jesus and be baptized. He also fed and bathed Paul and Silas.
Now, how is that for a transformation!
God can take any situation you are in and turn it around for His
good. You would never have thought when you started reading these verses
that the jailer would come out of it a believer and baptized in the Holy
Spirit. That’s not what our human minds expect the outcome to be, but you
see we are not working within the confounds of our human minds, we are working
with God.
God can do anything. He is all things, He is the Alpha and
the Omega, and He is light in the darkest of hearts. He can take a catepillar
and turn it into a beautiful Butterfly, so just imagine what He can do with you
and me.
The jailer surrendered. He reacted with a pure heart, after
seeing what had happened around him, and the kindness of Paul. His
hardened heart had been softened towards God, and quickly he surrendered his
life to Him.
Have you been trying to surrender your life to God and find it a
little more difficult than the jailer did? Yes, me too. But
the amazing thing is that catepillar didn’t turn into a butterfly
overnight. It took the catepillar some time to change, and become the magnificent
creature we see floating through the air.
Your path to God will come when you fully surrender and trust that
He has you in His hands and protected. Maybe you are like me, and it will take a
little more coaxing, but we will get there, in the mean time we can be like Paul
and Silas and praise His name where we are, glorify Him for blessing and loving
us, exactly the way we are.
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