Wednesday, December 10, 2014


One of the things I pray often is to be humble, to have a humble heart and to never allow my flesh to take the glory that is God’s.  I never want to allow my flesh to grow, and for my ego to take deeper root, and indulge my flesh with esteem, and grandiose thinking of myself, or my abilities.
I have to work at this though, as it is my natural inclination to get a bit big headed.  I have been competitive all of my life, and have then picked a work field where once again, I am in competition with other people.  I try very hard to not seek glory or the favor of men. 
I like to do my best, I have an inner drive to be number one, but not in the boastful and conceited way.  I have learned that as quickly as your placement has been given, it can be taken away.
I set my own personal goals and when I achieve them, I set higher ones.  But the common thread, the reoccurring theme in all of this is, God.   Like I said I am in a competitive field and that can lead a person to use any means possible, to advance themselves, but not me.  I use God to make my advances.
I knew over fifteen years ago, when I entered into my career that it was going to be God who made me successful, and gave me the ability to do it, and have a career out of it.  I knew that my human abilities were not fitting for a profession where I need to talk to people and sell them on ideas. 
I knew and know this isn’t me, because one, I am not a fan of public speaking; in fact I am rather shy until I get to know you.  I am the person you will see in the corner waiting for someone they know to come and speak with me.  I don’t stray from the pack or my comfort zone, so when I felt like I was being lead into the sales field, I was shocked, as was everyone who knew me.
Today, I am still shy and reserved, until you know me, but I now know and understand that God was planting in me and cultivating in me a seed, I would need for His future plans for my life.
Ego is a dirty word, or can be a dirty word.  People will act like they have it and go overboard with their behavior to compensate for their lack of confidence.  There are some people who have a healthy dose of confidence and ego, but then there are those who have taken their self confidence to another level.
I work with a couple of people who have allowed their egos to reach a very unattractive level.   I think it’s kind of like a God complex, where they think they are close to God in knowledge, ability and success, but little do they know they are receiving their ability from God as well.
I have a “friend” who before he was given a promotion on his job, he was what I would call a healthy self-assured person.  He was confident in his abilities and in making sound fair decisions for the good of everyone.  I would have never in a million years thought this person would end up being exactly what he said he would never be, driven by status and ego.
In reading Matthew 23 tonight we see Jesus talking about the Pharisees and how they are all driven by outward appearances and status.  They enjoy the pomp and circumstance from the people when they are around, and allow themselves to be distanced from what I am sure, they considered people less than them.
Jesus tells us in verse three So observe and practice all they tell you; but do not do what they do, for they preach, but do not practice.
We again, are in the world, but we are not of the world.  We should live in the world, and enjoy some of the worldly pleasures around us, but we should never allow the world to be in us.  The world should never become a substitute for or more important than God.  
I thought it was interesting tonight in reading this that the face of my once close friend flashed before my eyes.  I have been having an incredibly hard time with this new person, and the extreme distaste even being in their presence leaves me.  How the person I once thoroughly enjoyed speaking to, has become a person I avoid at all costs.
I say the power has gone to their heads, and that this new person is not a good look and the old person will be back soon.  Unfortunately, I am starting to believe this is who they have now decided to be.
When we allow our confidence, arrogance, self-conceit to enlarge and grow it will begin to take us over and will then change the impression left on the people around you.
We are to always know that every blessing we have received has come from God, and He has chosen to bless us in that moment.  We should never think that we deserve to be blessed, or esteemed higher than other people. 
We are just people, and our affections and admiration's, while they can be shared amongst each other, should always be focused on God, above.
We see in chapter twenty-three how Jesus has gone to great lengths to make sure we understand the division between us, humans, and God, the one we love.
While yes, God has sent Jesus to this earth to give Him a deeper understanding on the emotions of His people; He has also not blurred the line between His abilities and our own.
God is the omniscient God, He is the Omnipresent God; He is the God of everything and everyone; and for us, to think that we are even circling around the same abilities as He is, well that is when we are getting out of balance and into the works of satan.
If you look at satan while he was still an angel, you will see a being that wanted all the glory for their self.  Satan wanted to have the shine, as me and my best friend like to say.  He wanted the glory for himself that belonged only to God.
When you think about yourself do you find yourself wanting the “shine”?  Are you wanting to make yourself stand out among the rest, and are willing to do so at any cost?
This is not the way that God is calling any of us to act, behave or think!
We see in Matthew 23: 11 He who is greatest among you shall be your servant.
I love it! 
We are to have a serving heart.  We are to allow God to build in us a humble and meek attitude, while giving us the confidence to fulfill the tasks He has laid before us.
Jesus had a serving heart, and we are to embody all that Jesus is, and was, so we too, are to have a serving heart.  We should be seekers of how to advance the kingdom of God, and to bring shine to His name and nature.  We should never allow our own abilities or well doings, to overshadow the goodness of God.
We need to learn to be humble and meek, and seek the kingdom of God and his face, instead of the rewards here on earth.   As the Bible says the rewards here on earth are temporary but the rewards in heaven are for eternity.
We have a decision to make, either we are going to allow God to perfect in us, a humble and meek disposition and allow the glory to be given where it deserves to be, or we will be like my “friend” and be out of balanced in their own sight.
My goal, dream, desire and prayer, is for God to keep my heart open to Him, and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, so I am tender to when I get out of line and am looking for the glory for myself, and my own esteem as opposed to glorifying the One who deserves all the glory, God.
When we allow our hearts to be tender to the whispers of God, we are then allowing our lives to stay in balance, and for the ultimate judge to make sure that we are living a life that will glorify Him and bring people into His kingdom. 
They say you can catch more bees with honey; well you can catch more non-believers with a humble, open, meek and lowly heart.   They will begin to recognize the truth when the truth lives inside of your spirit and actions!

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