If you listen to the words a person speaks you will hear exactly
where they are in their life. Our words are a direct reflection of our
hearts and minds. You will be able to tell where a person is emotionally,
spiritually, politically and independently.
Our words have power. They are like little bolts of
lightning that we are flinging into the world. The Bible says that life
and death are in the tongue. This is a statement that I think we don’t
allow to carry as much weight as it is needed.
When you speak death, you are speaking that into existence and
asking it to adhere to the situation you are speaking of. We have an
enemy and he is just waiting with baited breath to jump at the opportunity to
bring forth evil into your life. He wants to keep you locked in a web of
lies and deceit so that you are unable to see and reach for the love and life
that Jesus died to give you.
In Matthew 12:34 we see that our mouths speak what is in our
You offspring of vipers! How can you speak good things when you
are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness (the overflow, the
“superabundance”) of the heart the mouth speaks.
Our mouths tell the story of our hearts and it also discloses the
shape of your heart. If your heart is spiritually sound and beating the
rhythm it was created to follow, you will hear that in the words that come out
of your mouth. You will hear the words that speak of truth, life
and hope. You will speak the character of God, when your heart is
attached to His.
When your heart is in darkness, you will speak of darkness.
You will speak of things in a way that bring death to your dreams and to your
mental self. You will not speak of prosperity but of defeat.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:34 that the mouth speaks out of the
abundance of our hearts and in verse 36 we see how important it is to have our
words lined up with the word of God.
But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give
account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
That scares me! I don’t know about you, but that truly scares
To think of coming before God and giving an account of every time
I have said something that was not uplifting, edifying people or Him, wow,
that’s a daunting task.
We need to choose our words wisely, and know, that whether we are
speaking to ourselves or to someone else, we should be accountable for the
words we speak. We should be accountable for the ramifications of our
words, and truly we will be accountable for the words we speak.
We should purpose ourselves to only speak words that build up and
not tear down. Speak words that glorify God and follow the character of
God, not words that enable the work of darkness in our lives, or the world.
Our flesh wants to be heard, and to be accepted, but our hearts need
to be right with God, and we need to be aware of the words we are
sharing. We are a disciple of God’s and we are His representation
in this earth, which means, we are accountable for being His reflection to
other people.
When you gossip or speak poorly of another person’s reputation you
are speaking as a representative of God’s, and we know that God would never tear
down another person, He would only build them up.
We need to make a decision to meditate on good things, things that
are pleasing to God, so that when we open our mouths to speak, we will be
speaking from the overflow of our hearts.
When you submerge yourself in the word of God and spend time in His
presence you will begin to see that your heart is being cleansed. Your
heart is changing and starting to be filled with love and hope. This then
is what begins to come out of your mouth, and you are now truly beginning to
glorify God, not only with your time, but with your words.
Our words have power, and our hearts is the originator of our
words. We can decide to become beacons of light into the dark world, and
help to raise someone up, or we can decide to be pulled right down with this
dark world.
That is up to you.
But keep in mind that every idle word you
speak you will be accountable for! This makes sitting and gossiping
or being judgmental of another person, not as interesting or
desirable. Getting even with someone who has hurt you, isn’t as
important when you think that you will have to stand in front of God and give
an account for those words.
Be aware, be active, be a positive reflection of God and speak
words that are pleasing to Him and to His children. Remember
always the day of reckoning and know that every word you speak you will be
accountable for on that day.
Be the bridge of hope and love and allow your heart to bring joy
and peace to your tongue.
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