But does it really work that way?
Is there really Karma? Does the law of attraction really
work, or is it really true?
We all know that person who repeatedly does wrong, time after time
after time; but yet, they somehow seem to live a happy life. They seem to
always escape their punishment or the effect for their behavior.
It angers me, when I know that someone has done wrong, and then
repeatedly does wrong, but never seems to get the correction, or have to deal
with the ramifications of their wrong doings. Right now three people have
come to my mind, and two of the three seem to never have to pay back or make
good for the wrong or hurt they caused the people around them.
Two of the three people seem to float on life without a worry in
the world, or a feeling of remorse for the things they have done. They
seem to be completely unscathed to, what I think, they deserve.
The third person, well he, I think has been so protected, in a
sense from the cause and effect theory that someone always saves him. He
always gets away with the wrong doing, finds the money, has someone bail him out
that the crash he needs to experience in his life, seems to never come.
All three of these people have been raised in very different
homes, with very different examples of wrong and right. Have had
influences of the good and bad variety but seem to escape to the wrong side of
life every time. And without a care or worry for those who come in their
One of these people is related to me. One of these people
holds my heart in his hands, and the other I have to pray for God to give me enough
kindness to even be in close proximity to her. All three very different
but yet all three have chosen a life well beneath them and who God has called
them to be.
When God started working in me, diligently working in me, I was
asked, commanded, demanded and forced to make changes in my life that I never
would have made before. I was never the bad kid. I was never the
rebellious one, who caused problems and issues for everyone around them, but I
was always the one who spoke when I didn’t need too. I spoke my truth,
and did it very well.
If you asked me my opinion, trust me, you got it, all of it, and
probably more than you needed or wanted to receive. So can you imagine my
surprise when God started dealing with me about my personality and my mouth?
Really!! I am not hurting anyone, is what I thought. I
am not giving my opinion when not solicited or in a form where opinions weren't
wanted and appreciated.
I thought of these three people, and still do,
when God is dealing with me for speaking when I should be listening, or
not allowing my heart to expand and open to someone’s life choices.
I was being thrown in the fire and yes, it burned!!!
So why is it that some people are feeling the flames of their
decisions and some seem to skate through life unscathed? I think I might
have stumbled across the answer or part of the answer tonight.
In Matthew 19 we see a man approach Jesus and ask Him how does he
receive eternal life. What does he have to do to enter into eternal
life? A little background on this man. He was a rich man; he
seemed probably from the outside to be a man that had everything. He was
a man that seemed to flourish and thrive in keeping the laws that Moses had
received from God, and still abides by them in his adult years.
He seemed to be the kind of person you want to know, you trust,
you want to have in your inner circle and would be an upstanding
citizen. And then Jesus showed his flaws, his character, and his
Verse 21 Jesus answered him, If you would be perfect (that is,
have that spiritual maturity which accompanies self-sacrificing character), go
and sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have riches in
heaven; and come, be My disciple (side with My party and follow Me). (22) But
when the young man heard this, he went away sad, (grieved and in much
distress), for he had great possessions.
Do you see how Jesus exposed his heart, his truth? Do you see how
his outside appearance was misleading and misguiding to who he was at the core?
You see when Jesus asked him to sell all of his worldly treasures
and goods, and to come with Him and become His disciple; the man wasn’t able to
do what Jesus was requesting of him.
He came to Jesus, and asked
Jesus, how to enter into eternal life, and Jesus gave him the answer, but the
answer that he wasn’t able or wanted to hear. The man then showed
his immaturity by being disappointed and sad with the answer. I think it's because his
value, his esteem, was in his possessions, not in God.
Wonder how these two verses connect with the three people I wrote
about earlier, yeah, so did I, until God showed me the correlation.
It’s in the impression/perception we have.
The perception we have of
the people around us. It’s in how the man in Matthew was perceived as
good, because he kept all of the laws, but you see, the laws weren’t meant for
us to keep, they were meant for us to know we needed Jesus. This man
kept the laws, which means, he didn’t need a savior to save him from himself,
he had everything he thought he needed, within himself.
This is how I look at these three people. It’s all my
perception of their lives and situations. I don’t see, hear, or feel the
pain that they feel when they have to admit their wrongdoings.
Person number one, whom I am related too. I don’t feel the sadness,
failure and loneliness, I am sure that she feels, when she allows herself
too. When she deems herself small enough and insignificant enough to know
that she needs a savior, as we all do. I don’t know the pain that
she feels when she steals, lies or accepts less for herself than what she is
worth. I don’t feel that. I don’t see that. But yet, I
believe, that it all happens.
Person number two, the one who holds my heart. Again, I
don’t see the truth that is beating inside of him. I don’t see the pain
that he feels from the life of drugs and alcohol that he leads, daily. I
don’t know how it feels to walk away from love because you are not strong
enough to admit you need help to overcome your drug addiction. I don’t
feel it, I don’t understand it but yet, again, I believe that it all happens.
To the last person I wrote about. I don’t know the pain or
torture that she feels when she lies about people around her. I will not
understand the need to hurt someone else, to increase myself. I won’t be
able to properly understand what has happened in her life that has caused her
to be manipulative and dishonest. Nor, do I understand how it feels to be
that insecure in myself, and my marriage that I need to do all of those things,
to increase myself. I don’t feel it, I don’t understand it but yet again, I
believe it all happens.
These three people, just like you and I, need a savior. They
need to have a belief in something deeper than themselves. They need to
understand, just as the man in Matthew, that keeping the law doesn’t give you
access to eternity. They also need to understand that it doesn’t
keep you out of it either.
We all have our mistakes, our sins, our laws that we have broken,
and I am, God knows, not exempt to the correction when I step out of line in the
eyes of God. But you see the difference here, well at least one of the
things I believe to be true, is I have already accepted that I am going to, and
have already fallen short of keeping the laws given to us from Moses.
I know I need a savior!!
I know and am fully willing, to be
changed. I am willing to sell my goods, and become a disciple of Jesus,
knowing that He is the perfect thing I need to even have a chance at seeing
Why does it seem to me that people who make horrible decisions in
their lives get away with them, because I am not inside of them? I am not
feeling their pain, hurt, loneliness, isolation, defeat and lack of love for
themselves, other people and from God.
I get angry or annoyed when God corrects me for opening yet again,
my mouth and speaking when I shouldn’t be, but actually, I should be very
thankful for the correction. I should be thankful that I am hearing from
God; I am receiving from God and I am connected to God.
You see, we all need a savior, and we will come to the realization
of that one way, it may be easy for some, and extremely difficult for others, but
at some point in your life, Jesus is going to ask you to sell everything you
have, give it to the poor, and follow Him. He is going to ask you to be
His disciple, pick up your cross and walk in His ways, the only answer to
this is Yes!
The only answer to having eternal life, is saying Yes to
Jesus. Yes, Jesus, I will sell, giveaway, rid myself of, cleanse myself
of, or remove myself from, all that comes between me knowing I need You, my
Savior, and me thinking, I can save myself.
Those three people, the one I am related to; the one that holds
my heart; and the one I need extreme doses of kindness to deal with, they all
too, are going to come to the knowledge that they need a savior, that they need
Jesus, and maybe, just maybe, the reason why God has put them each into my
life, and is changing mine, is to help them find Him, their Savior. So
that I can listen, instead of speak, feel instead of judge, so when the day
comes and they ask me how do I have eternal life like you, I can say His name
is Jesus, here, let me show you how to find Him!
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