Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Seeds of Faith...

I am not a morning person by nature.  I have problems sleeping, so morning comes quickly for me, and by then I am in need of sleep.  I have been getting up earlier and trying to start my day by connecting to God.  I will take my dogs out and as they are wandering around the yard, I take a moment to thank God for this day.
I take a moment to look at the sky and the trees around me.  I try to soak in the moment of wonder that is around me.  I try to drink in that very moment and enjoy that time of the day, before the to do list of the day bombards my thoughts.
I have found those moments to be very peaceful, and I can feel God in my heart in a new way.   I know that it is written, we are to seek Him, and seek Him early.  I understood that to be when you rise, you are to seek God, so that you start your day under His protection and guidance.   But there is something about sitting in His presence as the sun comes up.
I can’t promise you this is something I will always do, as sleep is needed, but I can't even begin to explain the fullness and connection to God, that I feel in those early morning moments. 
I like to watch the trees filled with birds and squirrels and see how carefree their lives are.  To see them running around playing with one another, or hear the beautiful songs that the birds sing, it’s a beautiful moment.
Have you ever stopped in the midst of your busy day and just looked at a tree?  Just looked at it in all its majestic wonder, and think how many things this tree provides for us, by just being.  The thought that these beautiful strong, protective structures have come but from one tiny seed, is kind of mind blowing.
If you think about your faith in relation to the tree, you can see what you can become and how you can evolve.  A tree brings shade in those hot days and protection from dangerous weather.  A tree brings shelter to animals and homes to birds.  A tree brings us fruit and nuts and helps recycle oxygen.   There are many facets to a tree… as are there many facets to our faith.
Matthew 13:31-32 Another story by way of comparison He set forth before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field.  (32) Of all the seeds it is the smallest, but when it has grown it is the largest of the garden herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and find shelter in its branches. 
Many times our faith starts out as small as a mustard seed, and over time it grows and flourishes into a strong tree.   The mustard seed, as we see is the smallest of the seeds, but the one that produces the biggest harvest.  The one that has the largest return.
We know that we are all given a measure of faith and it is up to us to cultivate, and increase our faith.  It is up to us to take that seed of faith, and allow it to expand and grow into a garden of faith that can help and protect others.
Trees are firmly rooted in the ground and the older the tree the stronger and deeper the roots extend.   This in return means when a storm comes against the tree it is harder to be uprooted because it has deep roots.  The tree weathers the storm.  Maybe it has lost a few branches or a couple leaves, but the tree still stands in the end.
We should be like a tree and be rooted and firmly planted in God’s love for us.  We should be able to weather any storm without losing our footing and remain planted in our faith and trust of God. 
Seeds are amazing things, and when you have a small seed of faith, you grow that faith by learning more about the one who gave you the faith.  You extend your roots by spending time with God and His word.  When you have the word firmly planted in your heart, the roots of your faith are firmly planted in the ground of your Lord.
There is a definite similarity between nature and our lives.  There is a lesson to be learned while sitting in the stillness of nature.  A connection to be forged.  We can look to nature and see how we should be with God.
We can see that God has made all things in His image.   When we learn to come to God with our worries and fears, we allow Him to grow and extend our faith and trust in Him, while He solves our problems.  Or, He changes us in the meantime.
Many times God will not change your circumstances, but He will change you, so that your view of the circumstance changes.  He takes moments, like a verse about mustard seed, to show us the true potential of our lives, and when entrusted in His hands, that we can grow to maturity in Him.
You can have the smallest faith, but if you have complete trust in the faith that has been given to you, you can say to the mountain, move and that mountain will move.   Meaning, if you put your faith in the one that gave you the faith, and not in the mountain, or the movement of the mountain, you will see your life unfold before your eyes.
The physical mountain might not move, but you will.  You will be giving your control and expectations over to the one who deserves them, God.  Placing your life in His hands is difficult at times, but if you take a moment to look at a tree, and know that this too came from a small seed, you can see the wonder that God can do, when He has complete control of your life!
We all come from a seed of some kind, and when you allow God to open that seed and bring forth the potential that is held within the shell, you will begin to grow, and flourish just like a tree.  You will be firmly and deeply rooted in the love and grace of God, with the ability to weather any storm


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