Thursday, April 24, 2014

Have you put Jesus in a Box?

There are many stories in the Bible that hold multiple meanings and a lot of times you have to search, or read between the lines, to see the other meanings.  Sometimes what is obvious to one is hidden to another, and each person will interpret a story differently.  I think this is beautiful because it not only enables us to see from a different perspective but it also shows us that the Bible is indeed living word!                                  

I have heard the story of Lazarus many times.  I have read it, heard it preached in sermon and on television.  I felt well versed in this story until reading it tonight and I noticed something I had not seen before.   I believe this is God giving me the opportunity to reveal a deeper understanding of himself.

In this story Lazarus is very ill and Lazarus has two sisters, Mary and Martha.  We have heard of them earlier in the Bible and see the affection that they have for Jesus but also the affection that he has for them.   These two sisters hold a wealth of knowledge for us, in today’s society.   You will see of these two sisters and their brother mentioned numerous times in the New Testament. 

On this occasion a deep friendship has already been established and Jesus gets word that Lazarus, who resides in Bethany, about two miles from where Jesus was is very ill.  The sisters were very concerned about the welfare of their brother and had sent to let Jesus know that Lazarus was ill, and to come. 

When Jesus received the message, as you can see in John 11:4, he says, this sickness is not going to end in death; but (on the contrary) it is to honor God and to promote His glory, that the Son of God may be glorified through (by) it.   Jesus then decided to stay another two days and then return to Judea.

The disciples were concerned about Jesus returning to Judea, as not that long ago they were threatening to stone Jesus for blasphemy, but Jesus was not concerned.    They began their trip back to Judea, and to see Lazarus, where Jesus had pronounced he was going to awaken him from his sleep.      When Jesus used the word Sleep, in this case He was referring to the death of Lazarus, but the disciples thought Lazarus was getting some much needed restful sleep to help in his recovery.  Jesus then states Lazarus is Dead.   

He then goes on to say and for your sake I am glad that I was not there; it will help you to believe.  However, let us go to him.   What I have learned in reading the Bible is you can’t take things for face value.  There is usually another meaning to most things written.  In this case, much like others, Jesus was saying to the disciples, I knew Lazarus was going to die, and I waited another two days to show glory to my Father, and help strengthen your faith in me. 

By now I think we have all experienced the fact that Jesus will take any opportunity he can to make it a teachable one.

On the way back to Lazarus, Martha, heard that Jesus was on his way back and raced out to meet him.  When she came upon him she said to Jesus, if only you were here my brother would not have died.   So Martha is proclaiming that Jesus is who he says he is but in saying if only he was here when Lazarus died, she is limiting Jesus in her own mind, and the minds of others.  She is saying Jesus, you are too late, and he is already dead. 
Jesus then says to Martha, something he will repeat to Mary, when he meets her on the road to Lazarus, and that is, Your brother will rise again.  Martha agrees that Lazarus will rise again on resurrection day.  Jesus then confirms who Martha has suggested he is with this statement in John 11:25.  Jesus said to her, I am (Myself) the Resurrection and the Life.  Whoever believes in Me, although he may die, yet shall live. 

I believe that Jesus at this time was giving Martha a hint, saying, Martha, I have this under control.  I am Jesus, I am the resurrection and the Life, and I can handle Lazarus being dead.   Martha then returns home and summons for Mary to come and meet Jesus.  Now, Jesus hasn’t moved and waits for Mary to come to him.  Mary has left in such a panic that the Jews who were grieving with her have also come out of worry for Mary. 
Mary proceeds to have a very similar conversation with Jesus as Martha did but this time when Jesus saw Mary sobbing and the many Jews that had come with her, Jesus also wept.   I believe there was significance in Jesus weeping at this time.  I believe that it showed him to be in fact a gentle man, with profound compassion and a love for this family. 

When they arrive at Lazarus’s tomb Jesus has asked Martha to remove the stone.  Now, remember, Martha was the one who had limited Faith in what Jesus was able to do.  Jesus would have been able to heal Lazarus if he was alive but that was the end of her faith.   When Jesus asks Martha to move the stone, he is giving her the opportunity to step out in Faith for his ability.  Also, keep in mind this is all happening around a crowd of people, some believers but many non-believers. 

Martha comes back to Jesus with, but Jesus, he has been in the tomb for four days and he will surely smell.   Jesus then says, did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?   I think that Jesus took this moment, to remind Martha of this statement but also to share the truth with the crowd that has gathered. 

When the stone was removed Jesus looks up to the sky and speaks aloud (John 11:41-42) Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.  Yes, I know You always hear and listen to Me, but I have said this on account of and for the benefit of the people standing around, so that they may believe that You did send Me(that You have made Me Your Messenger.)   This was the confirmation that Jesus said to the disciples back in the beginning of chapter 11 upon hearing of Lazarus’s illness.  Jesus knew the entire time that Lazarus was going to die so He wanted to wait till the process of death was completed and that Lazarus would have been entered into the tomb, and Jesus would be given the ability to Glorify God, and his ability to perform Miracles.

Jesus was using this as a teaching moment.  He was taking something that was extremely painful to a group of people and he allowed them to feel the pain and sadness of this death and he was going to stretch them in the midst of it.  He knew that the Faith of Martha and Mary had been tested and that when he arrived late to find Lazarus dead they would be left with no hope.  This was his chance to show believers and non-believers exactly who he is!

Jesus then shouted in a loud voice for Lazarus to Come Out!  And out walked Lazarus.  He was still in his burial clothes. 

Now, obviously, this is a miracle.  Jesus has raised a man to life!  This is a way for people to begin to believe in Jesus, whom they did but I thought to myself what about the people who already believe in Jesus.  How does this pertain to someone like me? 

Here’s my thought.  This situation does not have to be literal.  This could pertain to a dead situation, a dead dream, and a non-believing family member, death of a relationship or maybe death of your Faith.  In this story is death of a human but I don’t think it has to be.  I think it can be anything that is dead to you.

If you take that situation that is dead in your eyes and you release it to Jesus, and believe, truly, believe that Jesus can breathe life back into your situation, you can have it!   

If you go to God and you say God here is my relationship and I believe Lord, that you can restore this relationship and build it back up in you and surrender it to God, you are giving God the opportunity to be glorified in the restoration of the relationship.  You are asking Jesus to shout at your relationship to come walking out alive from the tomb.    You are taking a moment that was teachable thousands of years ago and glorifying God with the chance to bring new-believers to him, through your new teachable moment. 

I don’t believe that Jesus was surprised for a second during the story of Lazarus.  I believe that Jesus saw the whole picture, a picture that we so rarely get to see.  Martha and Mary entered into this illness with Hope when they sent for Jesus but by the time Jesus came, their Hope was gone.   They boxed in Jesus, and Jesus isn’t on board for being boxed in.  Jesus will every chance he gets break open the box.  He will prove that there is no box big enough to contain the ability that he has. 

There are many times we box in Jesus.  Many times we think our “Lazarus” is too big for Jesus, just like Martha and Mary did.  We will make the decision for Jesus before we even give Jesus the opportunity to work.  We will say, nope, this one is too big for even you Jesus; I’ll just give up and walk away.   What happens when we walk away?  Do we just walk away and that’s the end of it?  Nope!

What happens is this is an opening for Satan to continue his attack on your Faith in Jesus.  This is an opening for distance to be developed and the chance for your closeness with Jesus to be severed.  Don’t allow this to happen.  Don’t you decide what is too big or too small for Jesus?   When you look at your problem no matter what it is, you remember that Jesus shouted to a man who had been dead for four days Come Out… and he came!!  You remember that your Jesus, the one that you serve and trust, is the right hand man of God, the creator of the universe and you come on your knees with a humble heart and mind and you ask for whatever it is you need.  You pray for what you need, for what someone else needs, for what hurts you.   You give God the chance to answer your prayer and meet your need.  

There are always hidden meanings and teachable moments to every story and maybe just maybe Jesus is taking something that’s happening in your life and taking time to teach you something

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