Thursday, April 3, 2014

What is the Purpose God created you for... Are you walking in that purpose?

God sent us Christ/Jesus to show us the goodness of himself (God).  He took the word that he created before man roamed the earth and made it flesh.  He made it living and breathing like every other man on earth and purposed him with favor and the highest praise possible. God sacrificed his prized possession into the world to show us, man how to live a better more complete life. 

When you think of a first born child, or back then the first born male child, there was a favor on them that we don’t have in today’s society.  There was an expectation that was given due to their birth order.  These ideas are a bit antiquated to us in today’s life but in the times of John the first male child was highly favored.  Their purpose was to carry on the father’s estate or purpose after his death.  So when looking at Jesus, we must realize that he was very highly favored by God because he was God’s actual words made flesh.

He was above all things, he was held in the highest regards, for more reasons than his birth order, but because he was created into man’s image and given life to show us how to live.  Christ is and was our example.  He was/is word or perfection made flesh. 

He did all the things that we do today.  He had a heartbeat, he had feelings, and he had emotions.  Christ, just like us would bleed when he punctured his skin.  He would weep when his emotions were disturbed or upset.  He needed to eat, drink, sleep and laugh just as all of us do.  Christ originated from God, just as you and I have originated and come from God but Christ is a little different as he comes from God’s thoughts and will for the world.  

God knew that there needed to be, for better lack of word, a manual for life.  He knew that once sin entered into the world we needed to have a rule book for good, bad and indifferent people and that rule book became/was/is Jesus Christ. 

 The sacrifice that God had to make to take his personal intimate feelings, desires and wills for the people that he created and shares them with us individually was profound.  Imagine taking your diary or your most private of private thoughts and sharing them with the world.  That in itself is a sacrifice of love in a way most of us will never understand, and thankfully for Christ, we won’t have too.

God’s purpose in sending Christ was for him to dwell with us in the world.  For him to be an example of how we were intended to live and treat each other.  The favor that was given to Christ is also given to us.  Not because we deserve it but because he loves us.  We inherit the promises of God through Christ and since the word says that Christ (Jesus) was full of Grace, favored and full of loving kindness, that means we too have those things through inheritance.

Even before Christ (Jesus) entered into this world there were a chosen few who had revelation of Christ’s coming, John the Baptist was one of them.  John had a supernatural understanding that most people would roll their eyes at and gawk at today.  Now a days if someone would declare that there was to be the coming of a man who was created out of the Word of God we would think he must be nuts.  He must be crazy.  Well things weren’t that different back then as they are now.

People thought that John the Baptist was nuts and crazy but John knew in his heart that there was to be a person greater than himself that would enter this world and John’s mission in life was to prepare as many people for him as possible. 

John had the privilege to be let in on the secret coming of Christ.   Was it because he was special, yes, in his own way, he was special, but was he favored more than anyone else, you could probably say he was but why was he special and highly favored?  Because he believed.  He believed the information shared with him internally.  He believed and never doubted that his purpose was to prepare the world for the coming of Christ.  John didn’t think of himself as better than, or more important than another person, he just knew he was purposed.

We are all purposed into this world.  When we were created there was a special gift, talent and purpose for us to fulfill. John unlike some of us was just bold enough to walk in the trust and faith of his purpose.  John choose to not care what people thought of him, as his calling in life was much more important to him than what people thought of his behavior, and in return people came to John for help and guidance.

Now, did John have his nay Sayers? Well of course he did.  We will all have people in our lives that say you can’t do this or that.  It’s not possible for this to be happening in your life, but if we can do as John did and trust the purpose and calling on our lives we can all walk in the glory and peace that John did throughout his life. 

John tried to prepare the people for the wonders that were going to take place but he understood his purpose in the light of God.  He understood that he was just a vessel being used to prepare the world for Christ.  John had this understanding, that I believe he was given, because he was tapped into God, and his fullness that Christ’s coming was going to change the world.  He knew that the law was going to change and that rules and regulations that were imparted to Moses were going to be altered and changed for the rest of mankind. 

John knew that truth was coming to the world and that it would change every person who breathed air for the rest of eternity.  John was fulfilling his purpose in the earth.  John was changing the atmosphere and readying the minds of his people for Jesus.

No one has ever seen the face of God.  They can come near to the presence of God but no one, other than Jesus, has seen the face of God.   But yet God revealed himself, his heart and his plan to John the Baptist.

John knew that his purpose was to not get the glory for himself but to give the glory to God.  John had foresight that not many had or have now, but he knew inside himself that God was the one to receive the glory for the coming of Christ.  John knew to not take the credit or to not be boastful of the wonders he knew and was doing in the land, as he knew he was preparing the way for Jesus, the man that John was not worthy of even untying his shoes laces.

John was baptizing people in water but knew that this was a small task for the coming of the Lord.   When asked by people of the land “who are you” “what is your purpose” “why are you baptizing people in water” “are you the Messiah” John would say, no, I am not the Messiah, I am not the one to come.  I am not even fit to look at the face of the one to come.  I am not even enough to stand in the presence of the one to come.  I am just doing what I was called to do to prepare for the one to come.

How easy would it have been for John to take credit for the things he knew and the wonders he was performing.  It would have been very easy to say yes, look at me, look at all the ability I have to change lives, but no, John did what he was called to do and give credit where credit is due.  That credit belonged to God.  He knew that if he took an ounce of credit for what he was doing he would be an impostor because the real Messiah was approaching and quickly. 

To many times we are quick as people to take the credit of an act we have no reason to take credit for.  We really should take a moment and look at the ability and humility of John and take a lesson and give the credit to where it is due. 

All things we do, we do because, God has gifted us with this ability.  God has given us each and equal measure of gifts but they are not for us to thump our chests and say look at me. They are given to us to share with the world, but to reflect the light of God back onto people.

We need to have an understanding and revelation that we are mere vessels that God is working through, so the credit is not for us, but for the one working through us.  John the Baptist had this tremendous understanding that so many of us need to adapt into our lives today. 


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