Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Friend Request You Will Never Decline

I have two very close friends that I share almost everything with.  I speak to them almost daily.  I feel very blessed that I have two people in my life that though they are not family, I can trust more than I can trust some of my family members.  I believe that God will give us people in our lives to fill in the holes where family should be, and I have been blessed with this.   

These two friendships are very unique.  They are not similar in personalities and their backgrounds are very different but they both add something very special to my life.   I would feel something missing if I didn’t have either of them.   We have bonded on many different levels and where I lack they are able to help me rise up.  

These friendships have gotten me through the death of my sweet Grandmother, changing of jobs, arguments with other family members, diets, boyfriends, heart aches, tears and a lot of laughter.    

Both of them live about forty-five minutes from me, but in opposite directions, but we don’t see each other often, and yet it works.  We make time for each other.  We make it a purpose to connect and share.  I think this is why these friendships have flourished, grown and developed into deep connections.  

As I was reading John tonight, God brought to my mind, my two friends and how they help me through life, daily.   God also showed me that even though we don’t see each other often the connection is still there and available.  Like the Holy Spirit is in our lives. 

 In John 14:26, Jesus is telling the disciples that he must go away, and preparing them for this transition.  He says But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name ( in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf),  He will teach you all things.  And he will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.

I have always been the person who felt blessed to have one really good friend.  That one friend that you know will be there for you no matter what.  You can go to them exactly the way you are and they won’t judge, in fact, they will meet you exactly the way they are.   The fact that I have two friends in my life who accept me for exactly who I am, well, let’s say I am very thankful.  So in reading this tonight it hit me, the friendships that I am so thankful for, is what the Holy Spirit is to me, all in one. 

Let me explain.  The Holy Spirit wears many hats.  He is the Comforter, for when you’re sad, sick, hurting or lost.  He will soothe your soul to bring you back to joy.  He is the Counselor, so when I am hurting He will advise me, He will help me to get my footing and get back on course.  He is my Helper.  He will Help me with all things.  I can go to the Holy Spirit with any question or need and he with Help me resolve the issue.  He is my Intercessor.  I love this one!  He will not only help me pray but He will pray for me, through me and show me how to pray.  Very Cool!   He is my Advocate.  He is walking on my Picket Line in front of God, for me!  He is my Champion with God.  He is on my side and fighting for my needs.  He is my Strengthener.  All I want to say to this one is, Thank you God!   Thank you for giving me strength, and not just strength but your Strength.  The Holy Spirit is also my Standby.  I thought this one was kind of odd at first, until I realized it’s pretty cool to have a Standby.   The Holy Spirit is watching over me and waiting for a time that I might need him, or he sees I have a need.  

All of these things are wrapped up into one Wonderful, Spirit, living inside of us.  All of these things are at our disposal anytime we need them.  What is greater than Jesus?  Jesus and God all wrapped up into one Spirit that lives inside of you, that’s what’s greater than Jesus.   It’s like taking the best day of your life and having a tape of it to watch over and over and over.   Well not really, but you get what I am saying.

The Holy Spirit is such a vital need in our lives and I don’t think we really grasp it.  I think that it kind of makes us question, wonder and maybe even pull away from the concept, because it’s outside of our comprehension.  I get that but we need Him.   If you have gotten this far with God then you know that understanding is not necessarily a pre-requisite for Him.  All you have to do is Believe.  
I know I say all you have to do is Believe and somewhere someone has chuckled because it sounds so easy but sometimes can be so hard.  I get that 100%.  No arguments coming from me.  Sometimes Believing can be like pushing a watermelon through a needles eye, it looks impossible.   I think the reason why it looks impossible is because we are looking at it from our perspective.  We are trying to figure it out based on our limited understanding and knowledge. 

We can’t figure this out, so you surrender the need to figure it out, and choose to Believe.  When you Believe you activate all the things God has waiting for you.  If you choose to not Believe in the Holy Spirit you are missing out on having the closest relationship you will ever have, outside of the relationship you have with yourself.  You will be missing out on the Wisdom of God living right inside of your Spirit.  You will be missing out on the Blood of Jesus living right inside of your Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit is given to us, another free and amazing gift; so that we can be led by God into the life he has planned for us.  The Holy Spirit is to help us come into our purpose and complete the purpose.  

When you allow the Holy Spirit to reign over your life, and you learn to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit you are making the decision to live the best life you can.  You are allowing Jesus to take the wheel, yes, pun intended.

The Holy Spirit can bring more to you than my two very close friends will ever be able to bring into my life.  The Holy Spirit is your Super Best Friend.   I would like to encourage you to take some time to learn about the Holy Spirit.  Take time to educate yourself on the benefits of being led by the Holy Spirit and how allowing Him into your life will only add to you, but not subtract from you.

The inner fellowship that your relationship with the Holy Spirit will bring is something that I actually, don’t have words for.  I can’t explain how it feels when I am plugged in and know that I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing.   There is a protection from the Holy Spirit that you won’t be able to find anywhere or in anything. 

Friends are great to have.  They add to the joy of my life.  It’s great to have someone to listen to you when something is going on in your life.   But nothing and I mean nothing compares to having the Holy Spirit as your BFF, now that’s a friend request I will never decline!

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