Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Miracles come in all ways and at all different times.

I recently was out for lunch with my mom and we went to my favorite Chinese restaurant.  During Lunch the restaurant only offers a buffet so you really are not working directly with a waiter or waitress.   We had gone to get our food and sat down to eat.  This was a very normal lunch and we had our usual conversation, so nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  

I don’t remember seeing anyone that I knew or recognized and neither did my mom.  The owner of the restaurant came over to my mom, while I was in the restroom, and told her that our bill had been paid.   Upon my return, my mom tells me this, and we begin to look around.  Now, this is not a large restaurant and we normally go here later, so we are not dealing with the lunch crowds.  By this time there was barely anyone left, so we were not able to find out who the person was who paid our bill.  

The owner had told my mom that it was someone who she had worked with at her old job but there wasn’t anyone there that we knew.  I told my mom I think this was God blessing us through an obedient believer.   

In reading John 5:13 this story was brought to my mind how we were blessed by a faceless person.  In John 5:13 after Jesus had healed the paralyzed man, the Jews were asking the man, now healed, who healed him, and the man was not able to say who it was.  

Jesus had performed a miracle, and then left quickly, because it was a crowded place.  I thought that it was beautiful how Jesus healed this man in the open but left before the praise could be given to him.    Just like the man paid for our bill but left before he could receive any praise for his blessing.

I believe a lot of times we give, do things for others, or flaunt the kindness that we show to others for the glory and praise that comes after the deed.   Jesus was an example of humility when he left after healing the man.  

Jesus did not stay around for the cheers, applauding, and wonder, for the miracle that he just completed, he had done his part and moved along with his plans.  Most of us would have stayed there to receive the accolades of our deeds.   We would have stayed to puff up and inflate our egos, instead of quietly walking away.  

It says in Matthew 6:3, in the Amplified Bible, But when you give to charity, let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.   I believe this is telling us to be a quiet giver.  Be a humble giver.  Give out of the desire that God has given to you, not for people or yourself to recognize your sacrifice and then boast about it later.   

There have been many times God has put it on my heart to do something kind for someone I don’t know, and I try as hard as I can, to complete what God has asked me to do, and to do it without receiving praise.  I am just the messenger in those situations and the Glory is God’s.   He uses people who obey him to bless his children. 

I will feel very uncomfortable if the person knows it’s me or will start to make a scene over the blessing.  I completely separate myself and my emotions in those situations.  Now, I can’t say that when I have done what God has asked me to do, that I don’t feel good, but my feeling good is not because of the deed, it’s because I was obedient to God.  

I think these two verses exemplify how we are to handle giving or blessing someone.   We should never give to gain; we are to give to bless someone else, to help a person in need and Glorify God. 

I love that! In Verse 14, it says that afterwards, Jesus found him in the Temple and said to him, see, you are well!  Jesus didn’t stick around long enough after the miracle to even see if the man was healed.  He knew that the power God has entrusted him with was sufficient to meet the needs of this man and his purpose with him, was complete, for that time.  

Jesus then proceeds to tell him, and I think it’s something we need to pay close attention too.   He says, stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.  A very bold statement and one that I would think would set you on the narrow road that leads to life, instead of the wide road he had been traveling on for thirty-eight years.   

With this statement, Jesus is informing us that we may indeed receive a miracle, blessing, or deliverance, but if we don’t change our ways, what will happen to us is worse than what our issue was before. 

Take a moment to think about this and the magnitude of this simple sentence.   

Your prayer has been answered, for whatever it is, and you go right back to the life that you lead prior to your prayer being answered.  Jesus is saying, no, that’s not an option.  You have been chosen and received a healing, the last thing you should do is return back to your old man.  You should acknowledge the transformation that has happened in your life, and allow that to change you, from the inside out.  

I think this is one of the reasons we don’t receive answers to our prayers immediately.   When you have an addiction, let’s say to drugs, and God heals you from your addiction, in a moment, I would hope that would give you the transformation that you had been praying for; to not turn back to the person you were before.   I don’t think that’s how it is though.  I think that is why God makes us sweat it out.   

I think he wants to see if we are truly dependent on him, and ready to change.  Are we really ready to walk the narrow road to life, or do we want to stay in the same lane we have been, that has led us to destruction?   Many times we want to change something, or someone, in our lives but we don’t want to do the work that comes with receiving the change.    

We want things to come easy to use, I know I do,  I want to pray and receive immediately, and when I have to wait a little longer than I want to wait, I enter into doubt, fear, and unbelief.  I begin to waiver.   God is not looking for someone who is going to waiver.  God is looking for someone who is going to commit to the transformation and stand in that as a witness to God’s ability in the world.   

It is so much easier to remain who you are than it is to say I am going to be someone different, and then actually do it.  The dedication, commitment, and fortitude, it takes to step into change and allow God to do the entire work in you is large.  It is not something to be taken lightly and unfortunately, I think we do.   

When you pray for God to use you or for change to happen in your own life, make sure that you know what you are praying for, and be ready to enter into stretching your faith like you never have before.  Be ready for the attacks on your mind from the enemy, be ready for the people around you to doubt you and stand in disagreement in your plan.   

This is why many times we are told to not share with many the plans that God has told us.  When you are in a time of trial and change you need to keep all negativity away and stay attached to the word of God, be diligent in your path.  When you allow someone to come into this pure place of God, you are allowing their energy to affect yours.   

Jesus gives us immediate miracles and miracles that come after a period of time, but are still miracles.  He will use your prayers to strengthen you in him, and in turn, then use you in someone else’s life.   

Keep in mind when going through the season of change, that God is still standing beside you, but as Jesus performed his miracles out of sight, God will too be out of sight.   Stay fastened to the word of God, stay focused on your change, and know that after your miracle has come, to choose the road that leads to life, and instead of going back, to the man you once were.



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