Friday, May 9, 2014

But I CAME...

A man can receive nothing except as it has been granted to him from Heaven.  3:27

To me this statement is life giving.  Is hope building, it is truth.  There is nothing that we have in today’s life that hasn’t been given to us in some way shape or form from God above.  We receive gifts and talents from God, even if we don’t recognize them coming from God. 

Every breath we take and moment we are here on this earth is a gift from Heaven.  God had commissioned us to be in his army on earth.  He has already decided how many breaths we will have, how many times our heart will beat; these things have been decided before we were created.

God created you for a purpose and deposited in you gifts and talents for you to share with the world around you.  Some people recognize their gifts right away and nurture them and have soundness in them and some people, like me, come into our gifts later in life. 

There are many times we live every day, waiting for God to give us a miracle, and when that miracle doesn’t come we are almost disappointed in the day or maybe even in God. 

In reading John 3:27 it struck me that the miracle I am waiting on every day is me.  I am waiting for God to give me some sign or do a miracle work in my life and I believe that God is waiting for me to be the miracle he created me to be in the world.

If every human is created in the image of God and God is perfect than there can’t be mistakes created into this world.  We as people can make mistakes, and I make a ton of them every day, but that doesn’t separate me from being created in the image of God.

Your who, is not in what you do; it’s in whose you are.  This is a very true statement.  Our worth and value isn’t in what we do it’s in who created us.  If everything we have is granted to us from Heaven, then where we are in life is exactly where we need to be. 

If you are in a prison cell, literally or figuratively, this is where you are meant to be.  Something you have done has lead you to the place you are right now and since you were created in the perfect image of God you have everything you need inside of you to make it to the next day in life.   We struggle, or at least, I struggle, with understanding everything in life.  Why did this happen, why didn’t I do that or see that coming, this is not a gift or desire from God, this is a manipulation tool from the enemy.

Remember John 10:10 the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy.  So when we begin to reason, wonder, over analyze and meditate on things we don’t understand in a desperate way to find some piece of the situation that makes sense to us, we are doing exactly what the enemy wants us to do.  He wants to kill, steal, and destroy, if only for a moment of your day.  When we give in to these times in our lives we are giving the devil exactly what he wants, he is robing you of the precious moment that God has gifted to you. 

We are to understand in part and the reason for that is so we have to lean on, rely in and trust in God for the rest.  We have to have Faith to take a step not knowing where that step might lead us, but the devil wants to keep you in the bondage of fear and stop you from taking that step.

Thank God John 10:10 doesn’t end with all the horrible things the enemy wants to do to us and ends with the victory we already have.  It ends with, But I came, that they may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows.  

We spend so much time and energy everyday in the lies and deceits of the devil that we aren’t spending enough time focusing on the end of that verse.  We aren’t celebrating that the evil things that the enemy is trying to do to us has already be erased with the presence of Jesus. 

But I came… But Jesus entered onto the scene, a gift from heaven, and stopped the enemy in his tracks.   The enemy says I am here to kill, steal and destroy and Jesus said, hold up, BUT I CAME… these are the three words that we should be praising… but I came! 

Jesus came to give us life in abundance till it overflows, so whatever the devil tries to steal from you has just been counteracted by the presence of Jesus and not only counteracted but magnified.  He is taking all the broken pieces from the enemy and putting them back together again but in a way that is better than they were before they were broken. 

If we truly believe that the Bible is God’s word and rule book for us here on earth than we can’t pick and choose which verses are true for us and which ones aren’t.   This means that we only have in our lives what God has intended for us to have in our lives, at this moment.  We have exactly what we need for where we are.   This doesn’t mean we can’t desire for other things but what it does mean is if you don’t have it right now there is a reason you don’t. 

Don’t allow the emptiness of your dream or desire to become a place for the enemy to speak to you.  

What we should be saying in these moments where we feel weakness or insecure is those three beautiful words… But I came. 

Try to find rest and comfort in the fact that everything that God wants or needs you to have you already do.   We are always in a place of transition, so if you don’t have the thing you have been praying for; know that God must be preparing you for something in your future.

When we wait on God with a happy heart and a good attitude it is pleasing to God and stops the enemy from working negatively in our lives.   If something enters your life and it makes you feel opposite of the characteristics of God identify it immediately and stop entertaining whatever it is.  

Remember a man can receive nothing except as it has been granted to him from heaven if it comes from God it is yours to have and if it comes against God make sure to stand firm in those three words… But I came!!!


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