Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Are you studying the Bible or just skimming over the pages?

The scriptures in John 5:17-41, as I have read them seem like Jesus slapping us in the face with the truth of our ignorance.  We are all ignorant on some level to the truth of God.  We all overlook, glance pass ,or turn a blind, to the things of God around us, and this includes his words to us. 

In John 5:17-41, as I paraphrase, or interpret, what I gleamed from these verses.  Jesus is calling out the Jews for their ignorance in not recognizing that the Son of God is standing right before their very faces.  They focus so much on their rules and regulations that they can’t see their nose to spite their faces.   Jesus is standing right in front of them and out of their own ignorance, jealousy and inflated egos they don’t even recognize that the person their precious Word has explained is coming, has in fact arrived.    

They are so focused on crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s, in keeping their rules of no healing on the Sabbath, that they are focusing on compartmentalizing the Word they say the love.    If they were so in tuned and so educated on the Word, wouldn’t they have recognized that in front of them was the Word made flesh, in Jesus?   

Jesus is calling them out for their foolishness, and for living with blinders on, to the truth in front of them.  Have you ever seen a horse and buggy?  If you have, you will notice one of the things about the horse is that the horse has on blinders.  As the horse matures in training and shows his behavior to be trust able and safe, the blinders can be removed, but until that time you train a horse with blinders.  The purpose of the blinders are to allow the horse to only focus on what is in front of them, and to trust that their owner will keep them safe.   The blinders can keep them from harming themselves, and the people they are carrying to safety. 

People have blinders on in life too.  We wear blinders to the people we love, to our jobs and even to the violent world we have been accustomed to living in.  In these verses, Jesus is telling the Jews that they are basically, wearing blinders to the life that is manifesting past the rules and regulations they so strictly enforce.   Jesus is telling them, you love this Word so much, but yet you fail to recognize in human form, what your Word tells you.   

In no way is Jesus downplaying the greatness that is the Word of God, but what he is saying, is you can be so focused on the written Word, that you fail to see it manifested in life, right before your eyes.   They wanted to kill the Son of God over healing a man on the Sabbath, but yet, the Word shows us over and over, that God will be sending a new “Sacrificial Lamb” into the world to end sin forever more.  

You can become so engrossed in one way of thinking ,that it actually becomes death to you, no matter how Holy the original thought, or purpose was.  That is the case for the Jews.   

Jesus is telling them over and over, that he is the Son of God, that he is the “Sacrificial Lamb” that God has talked about in the now New Testament.  But the Jews, being jealous of Jesus, because of the miracles he has been performing, and what they thought was a threat on their ability to education and control what the people were being fed, through their teaching, never saw the truth of who he is. 

How disappointing this must have been to God.  I am sure at a point these men entered into the word of God for nourishment, for understanding, for direction of their own lives, and they have made the very Word they clung too Legalistic.   

I can see in my mind, how Jesus in a very calm voice was telling these men, look how do you not see it, as it is so clear, that I am the one that my Father has been talking about.  I am the one, who is coming to be about my Father’s work.  I am not coming to work against you, I in fact am coming to work with you, to bring healing, closeness, faith and hope to the people we both love so much.

He even in verse 5:35 brought back their example of how Jesus needed a living testimony and they called upon John the Baptist.   

Jesus says and even in your testimony you are wrong, as a mere human cannot begin to hold evidence, when you are coming against the testimony of God.  John the Baptist, was the lamp that kept on burning and shining to show you the way and you believed in him, for a while, but that too burnt out, but now you call on him to give testimony as to who I am.  My Father sent him to light the path for me so that I may come.   You can see the floundering of the Jews who once, mocked John the Baptist of his work, but are now using him to make a case against Jesus.   

Jesus at this time goes in for the jugular, but in a very respectable way, of course.  Jesus then says the Father himself has already testified for me, you would have seen this had you searched for my Father’s face and voice.  Had you not been so concerned with reading only the Black and White of the Word, and took some time to actually seek my Father for his voice, for his face, if you would have actually had a real life relationship with my Father, there would be no need for this conversation now.  
If you would have chosen to focus on the Face of my Father and a relationship with him, you would have already known by connecting to my spirit, who sent me.   You would be able to see my Father’s resemblance in me, but since you desired only to have the Black and White of my Father’s Word and not the life that lies between the pages, you can’t see my Father in me.  You can’t see my Father’s works happening in this world.  You only see someone doing something your limited understanding allows you. 
Jesus is telling all of us with these very powerful, thought provoking words, that it is not enough to read the Word of God and not know the Face, Heart and Voice of God.   His Word is not a book that you read to get from one page to another.  His Word is life and power.  His Word brings transformation and healing and if you take the time to read one word at a time and ask the Father for understanding and revelation, of his Word, all of these things can and shall be yours. 

He is telling us that though Jesus is God’s Word made Flesh, it is still of up most importance, to seek God’s Face, and know the Heart of God, because in doing that you will know the Heart of Jesus.   If you read the Bible as a story book, will you be impacted by the Word, I am sure you will, because there is life in each Word.  But if you read the Bible word for word as it is nourishment to your soul, not only will you be impacted, but you will be changed.  You will see the Face of God, hear the voice of God, and come into the Praise of God. 

We are told to seek God’s Face and not just his Hand.   To me these verses were kind of the same thing.  Don’t be so foolish to read the words as just words, for the Face of God is missed if you read the Bible that way.  Relish each word; find the power and strength in each word.  Speak to God as you are reading the Word.  Ask him for understanding and revelation or even, how the words you are reading can be applied to your life.

The Bible is a book, yes, but it is unlike any other book we will ever read.  This is a book that will take a broken hearted sinner and bring him healing, restoration and freedom from the evil that devours him.   The Bible is our Doctor, our Therapist, our Minister, our Best Friend and our Guide.   The Bible is all of these things because the Bible is the Word of our Lord, and the Manifestation of our Savior in earth. 

This is not a book you should study like the Jews did.  This is a book you should take your time with.  This is the book that you must read between the lines to reveal the truth in.   If you read the Bible the way the Jews read the Bible, you will miss exactly what the Jews missed… Jesus, Healing, Forgiveness, Truth, Love, Redemption, Power, Authority, Praise, Goodness, Peace, Kindness, Patience, Long-Suffering… you will miss the Face and Voice of your King of Kings… You will miss God!!



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