Number one of the Ten Commandments is
you shall have no other god’s before or besides me. This was the very first thing that came to
my mind after reading James 5:44.
In this verse Jesus is asking the Jews,
who wanted to kill him for healing on the Sabbath. How is it possible for you to believe, or
learn to believe in me, or even God, when it is more important for you to have
approval from men? How can you grow in
me, or the ways of my Father, when you are only worrying yourselves with the
approval of your peers?
After reading this I thought of the Ten
Commandments and I feel like this is the same as putting someone else in front
of God. If we are living to please God
than we wouldn’t be seeking the approval of the people around us. We wouldn’t be worried about how the man
standing beside me is going to look at me, if I am living my life upon God’s
standards and not mans.
Many times the rules in the world are the
exact opposite of the standards of God.
To live in the approval of the world would mean living out of the
approval of God. There comes a time,
when we acknowledge this, and are forced to make a decision on which way we
want to travel.
I think Jesus was saying to them, look,
you have done enough and nothing I am saying to you is getting through to
you. Jesus is saying I don’t seek, crave
the approval from another, my only source of approval is from my Father, and
that should be your source as well.
When you are putting emphasis on what
the person beside you is saying and to win favor, credit, approval, and praise,
from them, you are placing their opinion higher than the opinion of your
God. The first thing God asks us to do
is to not have another god or god’s other than him. Don’t think God doesn’t recognize this in
your heart.
Have you ever been asked to do something,
maybe in a classroom setting, and your first concern was, what are the others
going to think of me? This is what God
is telling us not to do. When we are
concerned with the opinions of others we are devaluing the opinion of the one whom
matters, God’s.
Jesus asked Peter to walk on water, and
Peter fixed his eyes on Jesus, was locked in, and was not fearful, but the
disciples were yelling at Peter to stay in the boat. If Peter would have allowed their words to
get into his thought process he would have never stepped out into the
water. Peter was in tuned with Jesus and
only focused on him, which is exactly what God is asking us to do. Focus on him and allow the world to become
the backdrop to our lives.
When Peter did step out into the stormy
water, he was stepping out into Jesus’s protection so he didn’t sink. He took a couple steps and then heard the
voices behind him, and realized what he was doing and he began to doubt. As soon as the seed of doubt comes into your
mind you are no longer focusing on Jesus.
As soon as doubt entered, Peter sank into the stormy water. In my head Jesus let him sink a little deeper
than he should have to prove the point.
You were strong, you were connected, you were protected, until you
allowed the voice of another(s) to get into your mind, and then you sank.
God will sometimes allow that storm in
your life to last longer than it should have to show you that you are not God
in your life. That the approval of
others is not God in your life. God wants
you to understand that though you may say you surrender to God; this is what
true surrender looks like. True
surrender is walking on water, without sinking. True surrender is sleeping on
the floor of the boat while you are in the worst storm of your life. True surrender does not believe the voices of
others over the voice of your Lord.
When you come to that place. When a storm can come and rock the world
around you but not move a hair out of place, then you have come to
surrender. We are to be steady; we are
to be constant through the hills and valleys of our lives. We should be able to sleep in the midst of a
hurricane knowing that God told you that you are protected, and then you must
be protected, because God’s voice is the voice you listen too.
I have been meditation on a phrase I
read recently in a daily devotional, and it said, I know my Father’s Voice, and
the voice of a stranger, I will not follow.
I will say this over and over to myself.
Sometimes I speak it aloud when I feel my mind has come under attack,
which is often, and sometimes I just say it quietly to myself.
I feel like this phrase, which I know to
be Biblical, is in the same vein as John 5:44.
Jesus is saying know your Father’s voice over any other voice. Search for your Father’s approval over any
other approval given to you. Now and
recognize that your approval comes only from one source and that is your Father
who is Heaven. He is your daily portion
and your living bread.
When we look to the world for approval
and guidance we are saying the values of the world is where we put our faith,
and that is not true. We are to be
lights in the world, but not of the world.
How can we glorify God and bring light into a dark place if our values
and morals are equal to the dark place?
You have to be raised up to be light and receive light and to live by
the conduct of the world is not being raised up.
Now, in saying all of this, I need to
say, that just because you don’t live in the world doesn’t mean that you are
better than the world. The difference is
that you have found Christ and others have not, or have not fully surrendered
their lives to Christ. Don’t allow
yourself to look down on people who don’t live their lives the way you do. You are set apart, yes, that is correct, but you
are set apart to show captives how to live out of bondage and in the freedom
that is God. If you look down on people
of the world you are only reinforcing the behaviors they fear and want to
distance themselves from.
You are to be salt and light to the
world and they should want and crave what you have, not vice versa.
Next time you have a moment of fear,
doubt, anxiety, or an emotion you know is not that of God, take a moment to look
inside yourself at what you are thinking about, and if you are looking for the
approval of men, or stepping out and living in the approval of God.
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