Thursday, June 19, 2014

God's Promises for all of us!!

Abraham’s story resonates with me and other believers for so many reasons.  This is the story of Hope, Faith, Positivity, Perseverance, Trust and Obedience.  This is the story of a man who never chose to look behind himself, or at the situation that lay in front of him.  He always chose to look at God. 
I think one of the reasons that Abraham’s life is told repeatedly throughout the Bible is because it meets you where you are.  His story can meet you as a new believer or a non-believer in Christ.  His story can meet you as a person believing God for a child.  His story can meet you as a believer who is lost, or who has been a believer for forty years.   There is something for everyone in Abraham’s life. 
Abraham’s dedication is something that we can use, not only in our relationship to God, but in our daily lives.  We can use his characteristics in our work place, in our relationships, in our families and field (inset whichever sport you play).
Abraham stood for something and really stood for it.  He didn’t let the darkness of the world around him or his own mind; stop his belief in what God had promised him.   God promised to make Abraham the father of many nations, and so he did.   He didn’t do it because Abraham was the best person, or the one who deserved it the most, He did it one, because He promised him, but also because Abraham was devoted to God.
Abraham was obedient to God’s plans and promises and held tight to them, never letting them out of his sight or heart.  Abraham spoke words of power and encouragement over his situation.  It says in Romans 4:18 (For Abraham, human reason for) hope being gone, hoped in faith that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been promised, So (numberless) shall your descendants be.   He wasn’t speaking words in opposition to God’s promises.
He wasn’t walking around saying, Hmm, I wonder if God is going to do this for me?  I wonder if He really will come through.  No, Abraham did believe.   In Romans 4:19 it says.  He did not weaken in faith when he considered the (utter) impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or (when he considered) the barrenness of Sarah’s (deadened) womb.  (20)  No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.
So we see he how Abraham was speaking.  He was praising and giving glory to God.  He was, by the way, doing all of this before, God gave him the promise.  He was so filled with faith in God’s promise to him, that even before he saw it with his own eyes, he was praising and glorifying God for it.
This is what we are supposed to be doing.  We all have dreams and desires.  We all have things we believe for.  I personally am believing for God to heal the person who holds my heart, from addiction and heal our relationship.  I believe that God will restore us, heal us, and build us up in Him.   We all have prayers that we say over and over again, until we run out of breath, but we all also have a wonderful God.
We have the same God that Abraham had!  We have the same GOD that Abraham has!  The same God that came to Abraham and said, you will have a son at 100, and his name will be Isaac and you will be the father of many nations, is the same God that we serve today.
The same God that Abraham was Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised (Romans 4:21).  Is the same God that watches over you every day?   This is the same God that chose you.  Who called you into a relationship with Him?  The same God that knows your yesterday, from your today, and your tomorrow.  The same God that stores your tears in a jar because they are so special and dear to Him, because, they are yours.   The same God.
The God who fulfilled every promise that He gave to Abraham and then some, I might add, is the same God who is going to fulfill every one of your dreams and desires, as well.  He says, Now to Him who, by (in consequence of) the (action of His) power that is at work within us, is able to (carry out His purpose and) do super abundantly, far over and above all that we (dare) ask or think (infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams) – To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever.  Amen - Ephesians 3:20-21.
Let’s pull a page from Abraham’s life and put into practice the things that he did.  Let’s allow our hearts to go where Abraham let his heart go, and believe.  Let’s live with hope, faith, and trust, that God will not only deliver his promises, but he will super abundantly, deliver his promises.  He did it for Abraham, and He can and will do it for you, and me!!


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