Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Are you ready to seek God?

I wake up almost every morning with a song or verse in my head.  I am not sure if it’s put there to show me what to focus on that day, or if it’s to help get my day started the right way. 

I would say for about two years almost every day I woke up with Matthew 6:34 in my head.  I would hear this verse over and over again in my head.  It felt as if God was stuck on repeat, because this is basically all He said to me during that time.  
I would go to church, and hear that verse, I would watch a Christian based television program and hear that verse, everywhere I went this verse would chase me down.  I finally got the point, that maybe if this verse has decided to attach itself to me; maybe I should do what it’s telling me to do. 
Verse 6:33 in Matthew tells us But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.
In my own limited perspective and view point, I truly thought I was seeking God.  I thought that I was putting in the effort that I needed to have the relationship with Him that I wanted.  Little did I know God had something else in mind?   I was resistant to this verse, because, I thought I already had a good relationship with God, and I was very content and comfortable, with where I was.
I was happy living my life as a Luke warm Christian.  (Gasp)  Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across the verse that tells us that God takes issue with the Luke warm Christian.  I thought I was being obedient!  I thought I was earning my gold star, while maintaining the lifestyle I was also comfortable in.  Basically, I was straddling the fence of being a Jesus freak and being a worldly person. 
It’s not possible to be both… something is going to have to shift and change, and change it did.
Slowly, I started to lose my friends, first the surface friends, that I would casually socialize with and then one by one, I started losing my inner circle of friends.   I didn’t really notice nor should I say acknowledge this until a couple weeks ago, after the death of one of my closest friends.
My desires in life also started to change, while I was losing my friends.  I no longer really wanted to be the person in the bar, or at a party, and wanted to be at home.  I started reading and spending time learning about God and developing a deeper relationship with Him. 
 All of this was happening and I didn’t even realize it.  I didn’t connect the constant repeat of Matthew 6:33 in my head, with the slow dissolution of the person I knew myself to be.   God was changing me slowly without me even realizing I was changing.  
When we desire to seek God, seek the life that God has for us, the decisions that God would want us to make, and the decisions that Jesus made, means we have to change.  There is no way to remain the same person, while your mind is being renewed. 
That would be like taking a piece of paper, cutting it up into little pieces, and still insisting that the paper is still the same.   Yes, it’s still paper but it’s not one piece of paper; you now have many small pieces of paper.  
I am still a person; I still battle with problems in life.  I still make wrong decisions, and sin daily.   But yet at the same time, I am not the same.  I want different things in life than I did even a year ago.  I want to help people more than I did before; I want to understand people’s stories more than I did before.  I want to extend my hand in service or prayer, in ways I never did before.  My heart has been opened to people around me and my heart has been softened, so I am not as hard and judgmental as I was before.
Now, God knows, as well as I do, that I have a far way to travel, but all of these things have taken place without me even trying to change.  All of these things happened because God kept reminding me where my priority in life needed to be, and that was seeking Him.  
I was no longer to seek Him for things.  I was no longer just asking Him to fulfill my fleshly needs but I was asking Him to use me in His Kingdom.  To change me into the person that He created me to be.  I was now asking for help for other people and to show me how I can be used. 
I was now searching for God, for His qualities, for His face, not for His hand, and what He can give me. 
It changed my relationship with God.  It changed my relationship with other people and it changed my relationship with myself.   My relationship with God became deeper and no longer surface.  He began revealing to me His plans for my life, not my plans, but His plans for my life. 
When I decided to give in to verse 6:33 and to do what God has been calling me to do for over two years, I saw a change in everything around me.   Now, I don’t want to give the impression that life is rainbows and butterflies, because it hasn’t all been easy.   This has been a very challenging, emotional and sometimes lonely process.   But I know I am doing what God has called me to do. 
While things are changing and shifting, there are new things being birthed into my life.  There are new friendships forming, new dreams, hopes and desires that are coming.  There is new life beginning to shape and sprout in the midst of the death of who I used to be.
When we are called to seek God, and truly seek Him, we need to be prepared for the changes that are going to happen in us.  We need to know that yes, we are being obedient to the call of God but at the same time we are now denying our flesh, and that is going to hurt.   It is going to be uncomfortable to you, your flesh and maybe even the people around you. 
But we have a promise, a silver lining if you will, and that is the last sentence of this verse.  And then all these things taken together will be given you besides.   God promises you, that when you seek Him for who He is, and what He wants to do in your life; He will reward you by giving you everything He has. 
There are many peaks and valleys when you are changing into the image of Christ.  There are many adjustments and questions to what is happening, and why, but the one thing that we know is the entire time; God is walking right with us.  God is the one who is opening our eyes to the things that need to change, and He will do this in the time that is perfect for you. 
God will take you by the hand and walk in front of you as you enter into a new relationship with Him.  He will kindly make the way for you and try to ease your pain as much as possible, while going through the hard days.   He will open doors that no man can open and I promise you He will close doors that no man can close. 
If we allow God to truly work in our lives and change us into His image, we are guaranteed to have a life that was more fulfilling and joyful then the life we had before seeking Him.  
Remember God doesn’t call you to do anything that you are not prepared to do, through Him, so when He starts to play Matthew 6:33 on repeat in your life know that you are ready for it.  You are prepared for this season in your life, and that you will be rewarded for it in the end! 
Matthew 6:33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.


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