I remember when it was time to get our uniforms for the start of
Softball season. We weren’t able to pick our numbers as the coaches took
care of that, probably so they didn’t have twenty girls fighting over the same
numbers, but I remember being really proud to have my name on the back of my
shirt. I remember feeling like I was a part of something greater than
myself, alone.
I was part of a team. That’s something that I miss as an
adult. I miss playing sports and wish I would have drank in every moment
and sealed it in a special place in my memory for days like
these. For some of the teams you had to try out to be on
them, some of them everyone could be on a team, but only a select few got to
play. I was one of the ones that got to play, and I loved it.
I never realized as a young person how important the learning
process of sports would play in my adult life. I never really soaked in
the fact that each coach had something different to teach me and their own way
of pushing me to another level. They had to bring me to a level that I
wasn’t aware I was able to achieve.
I remember one summer during rec ball my coach had me run the
bases almost every practice. I hated to run, and still am not a fan of
it, but he had me as the base runner practice after practice. I
understand now that he was conditioning me to understand the patterns of a base
runner, since I was a catcher, but also showing me that my ability is limited
by my thinking. He showed me that someone could push me farther
than I could push myself.
He had a plan in his mind for me and a way to execute that plan
effectively, and he did so. Not only did I learn more about the game but
I learned more about the strengths that I have inside of me and my physical
ability. I learned that if I trust someone, even when I am doing something
I don’t want to do, that I will experience growth from that opportunity.
To me, this is like our relationship with God. He sees the
potential in us, because He put it there. He sees the ability to go
another step, run another base or push a little harder. He sees how we
come together and how to force the best out of us, for Him to use for His
In Romans 8:29-32 it says the following. (29) For those whom
He foreknew (of whom He was aware and loved beforehand), He also destined from
the beginning (foreordaining them) to be molded into the image of His son (and
share inwardly His likeness), that He might become the firstborn among many
brethren. (30) And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called and those
whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into
right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also
glorified (raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being).
(31) What then shall we say to (all) this? If God is for us, who (can be)
against us? (Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?) (32) He who did
not withhold or spare (even) His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He
not also with Him freely and graciously give us all (other) things?
This is saying, in a nut shell, God created you to be you, and the
things about you that the world has taken over He will change. He will
conform you and change you into the image of His son, so that you will be
representative of Him and his goodness in the world. And if He is doing
all of this for you, you have to imagine that He is going to set you
apart. He will put a purpose or calling on your life and he will make you
righteous in His sight, so then He is able to help you achieve the purposes, He
gave to you.
He is doing all of this so you can bring people into His kingdom
and bring Glory and Honor to His name and ways. So if you are believing
in Him and working in His kingdom and obeying Him, then you should never be
surprised that He is going to be there for you. You should never be
surprised that His name is going to be on your batting order, in the clean up
position I might add.
God didn’t spare any expense, idea or period of time creating you
and the plans He has for you, so expect that He will also anoint those
plans. He will not withhold anything from you, and it is foolish for us
to think He would. He gave us His Son, just so we could enter into a
relationship with Him one on one. Do you really think He can’t handle
your problem?
I broke my hand one summer playing Softball. I sacrificed my
hand and safety for an out at home, and I did it for my team. I did it so
that my team would stay in the winning position. No one on my team asked
me to do that, but I did it because my shirt says I am part of this
team. I continued to play in this three day tournament with a
broken hand, I got the out by the way, because my team needed me.
God is saying the same thing to you. He is saying I
need you on my team. I can bat clean up but it does me no good if I can’t
get anyone on the bases. I can’t bring you home if you aren’t out on the
base when I am up to bat.
You are wearing an invisible jersey that say’s I am playing on
team God and I hold the number one position. I am His most valuable
player, and It’s my job to bring people to God and it’s His job to change
them. I can’t do His job and He needs me to do mine.
We are all a part of a team. Whether you played sports as a
child or were involved in a club, theatre or whatever it may be, you are part
of a team right now, and that team is team God. We are all human beings
striving to be the best that we can be and the only way to reach that pinnacle,
is to allow God to work in you.
You know my coach went through all that work to bring out the best
in me. To raise me up another level in my ability to play Fast Pitch, and
it worked, because I let him. If my human coach can do that and leave
that strong of an impression on me, imagine what God can do for you if you let
He created you with a purpose, He called you, He made you
righteous. What then can we say other than I trust you, I believe in you,
and I am going to do my very best for you! Team God is calling you
will you put on your jersey and get in the game?
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