Friday, July 25, 2014

We all have seasons in our lives...

Every day we are given a certain amount of sunlight and then night comes.  We are given this same sunlight and night on a daily basis, that we become accustomed to having this available to us daily.  We start to take for granted that this will take place in our daily lives.  As the seasons begin to change so does the amount of daylight we receive.   In Spring and Summer, we are given abundant sunshine and things become new a kind of rebirth into the world.  During Fall and Winter, we experience the opposite effect.  We lose the amount of daylight we receive and begin to see the withering of nature around us.   

There are some people who actually experience sadness around Fall and Winter, due to the lack of sunlight they are being exposed to daily.   They crave the sunlight, as most of us do.  They crave to feel the warmth of the sun on their faces and to see nature blooming around them.  There is nothing like driving on a warm day with the windows down, sun piercing your skin and wind whipping around.  This makes you feel alive.    

There is a process with every season we experience.  There is a reason for the four seasons we have in a year, and there is a reason we begin to feel sadness and lack in the Winter.   

Jesus said to the people in John 12:35 You will have the Light only a little while longer.  Walk while you have the Light (keep on living by it), so that darkness may not overtake and overcome you.  He who walks about in the dark does not know where he goes (he is drifting).  

Do you think there could be any correlation between the changing of the seasons, and what Jesus was experiencing?   I see this as Jesus is forewarning us that we are given a limited period of time, meaning our span of life, to get to learn about him, and believe in him.   Just as the abundance of sunshine only happens during two seasons of the year, there will only be a limited amount of time for you to learn about Jesus, have a relationship with Jesus, and then do his work in the World.   

We as people live our lives in seasons.  We have the Spring of our lives, where we are born into the world, grow and learn about things in the world.  We enter into our Summer of life where we are learning about who we are in the World, and why God has purposed us into the world.   The Fall of our lives is when we are living in harmony with our purpose and in harmony with ourselves and with our Maker.  Winter enters and we begin to see our lives in a different perspective as most of our days are behind us, and I believe desperation can begin to set in for people who have not come to know God.  

I think this is why Jesus was warning us to take advantage of the opportunities we are given when we can.  Open your eyes to the things happening around you and more importantly open your hearts to the God who created you.   We are each given a measure of Faith and if you don’t activate your Faith, and allow it to flourish in your life you are missing out on coming into a closer relationship with Jesus.  

Jesus says that we should believe in him like Children.  We should receive him with the eyes and hearts of Children.    As children, we are open to learning and experiencing life from an untainted mind.  We are fresh and moldable.  We haven’t experienced the cruelness of this world and can freely believe in what we feel.   It’s easier to be in Faith when you are open to it, without any preconceived ideas or fears.  Our knowledge is limited so it is easier for us to be molded as children.  As we progress in life, we begin to experience the darkness that is in the world and it begins to change our hearts and minds.  

Jesus wants to capture you while there is an abundance of light in your life.  Jesus wants to fill you up with his love and bring you into relationship with him while we are moldable and easily transformed.  That is why, I believe, it is so important to start educating your children when they are young on Jesus, the love of God and the Character of God, so they can build their foundation on the Rock of God.  

Now, after saying all of this, I am sure many of you, like me, have not had this head start in life.  It is not too late for us either.   You can come to Jesus at any season of your life.  You can choose at any time to take the hand of God and allow him to be the Lord and Savior over your life.   We as older humans have more baggage we carry around with us.  We have been exposed to the fear, hurt and cruelty the world has to offer.  The process is a little harder for us as we come to God with experiences and ideas.  We come to God with plans already formed in our minds, and expect God to fulfill them.   Our patience for the process of life can be shorter and we expect to receive things at a faster process, due to this.   

Jesus is still reaching out his hand to you no matter what age you are.  No matter what shape, form or religion you are, he is standing there reaching his hand out to you.  Jesus wants to be your light.  He wants to enter into your life and Light it up.   There is nothing that you can do in this lifetime that will separate you from the love of God.    There is no pit to deep, no river to wide, or sin to big, to separate you from God’s love.   

Jesus died on the cross for all of us.  There is not one person in this world that could have paid for the sins that we have done in our lives.  There is no amount of effort, sacrifice or pain that anyone of us could endure to equal the blood of Jesus.  We enter into relationship with Jesus, by believing in him.   

You may be in the Fall of your life and have been struggling for years, filling a void in your life.  You may have been, like people I know and love dearly, who have tried to fill that void with drugs, alcohol, sex, money, food, work… and the list goes on and on.    As I am sure you have experienced, if you traveled down any of these paths, they have all left you feeling empty, lost and maybe even ashamed.  They have left you feeling incomplete in your life and you know there is more to life than this.  

You know that the emptiness you feel on a daily basis isn’t how you are meant to feel.  You might not know why, understand why, or be able to really articulate how you feel, and all of that is ok.   You don’t have to have all the answers for everything.   Let me say that again, you don’t have to have all the answers for everything.  You were not created to be in control of your life.  You were not created to be controlled by your emotions.  You were created to be a Child of God.   

You were created to glorify him and praise him.   You were not created for a religion, rules or regulations.  You were created to have a relationship with God the Almighty.  You were created to live in the Light and Love of Jesus, and accept that he Loves you so much he died a death that was so humiliating and horrible our minds can’t even conceive of the torture he experienced.   He did it for you.  He died for you, so that you can know him and the power of his resurrection.   

He rose again, three days later, to show you that when you come accept the gift that Jesus gave you, and you believe it, confess it with your mouth, you too will rise again.   We all will come into the Winter of our lives.  Every one of us will enter into this season, we will come in different ways and at different ages, but we will all come to this end.   Jesus has given you a way for you to rise again, and for your spirit to live for eternity in Heaven with him.   

I say to those who are skeptical, unsure or maybe even confused about all of this, what do you have to lose?  You have come to this place for a reason.  You are reading this for a reason.  You are not a mistake, nor are you the sum of your mistakes.   So, what do you have to lose?  Give it a shot.  Try this Jesus thing out and open your hearts and say, here I am, take me as I am and make me new!!  Give me a rebirth, as you do every year when we enter into the Spring season. 

If you are ready, to give Jesus a shot at filling all those holes you have been walking around with for so many years, say this prayer out loud, right where you are.  Believe it, know it, confess it with your mouth and let the Love and Light of Jesus your Savior fills your heart.   After you read the following prayer you are what we call “Born Again or Saved”.    What that means is you are washed clean and new with the Blood of Jesus.  Your sins have been forgiven and you are a new creature in Christ.   I would urge you to pray, talk; communicate with Jesus, start reading God filled books, including the Bible.   Give Jesus the chance you gave everything destructive in your life and see where this Beautiful Season of life, leads you.  God Bless and Welcome! 


Prayer of Salvation

Dear Father

Thank you for Jesus.  Thank you for the sacrifice Jesus made, for me, on the cross.  Thank you Lord for sending your one, unique son, to die so that I may have life, for eternity, with you, in Heaven.  Lord, I believe that you sent your son to die on the cross for me.  To shed his blood for me, so that my sins are forever more forgiven and forgotten.  I ask you God to come into my life and change me Lord.  Send your Holy Spirit to come and live in me and change me from the Inside out.  I commit my life to you God and I thank you that my name is now written in the Lambs Book of Life.  I thank you God that I am now yours and you are now mine, and I am never walking alone in this life.  I ask for all of these things in Jesus’ Name.  Amen. 


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