Monday, April 21, 2014

Faith as small as a Mustard Seed

When Jesus entered into the Temple in Jerusalem and saw that there were people there disgracing the House of his father we get a glimpse into the passion that Jesus has for his purpose and for his father.  Jesus was enraged with the disrespect of his father’s home.  There were people there selling livestock, doves and money traders.  They were in a sense making a mockery of his Father’s home and that is when you see the protection and deeply rooted affection and love of Jesus for his Father. 

Jesus started to knock over tables and flail about whips to get the people to move and realize the severity of their actions.  They have just sinned against God, his Father, their creator and did it without any remorse for their actions.  In the midst of what had to be chaos the Disciples remembered an earlier word they had read in the Bible or for them the Holy Scripture, about the exact scene they were watching with their own eyes.    This only deepens their devotion and belief in Jesus. 

I believe that there was a very deep pain in Jesus’ heart for the sight that he was seeing.  I believe that when Jesus arrived at the Temple he was excited to be in his Father’s house and to walk in and see such a blatant disrespect for his Father pushed him over the edge and into fierce anger.  We have not really seen Jesus in this state before and I think it’s good that we are getting a glimpse of it and in this context. 

Jesus is not only showing us the value of God’s word and his house, which is at that time the Church, his home, now is inside of each and every one of us, but he was showing us how to respect your parents.  One of the Ten Commandments is to Honor thy Father and Mother.  Jesus took the opportunity to show us in that moment how far we should go to keep our Father and Mother’s reputation clean. 

My heart breaks for Jesus in this moment as he was coming to worship his father and spend time in his home and he walks into a mess of sin and greed and among this horrific sight are people who are confessing to be lovers of God.  Why would anyone sit around and allow his Father’s house to be disrespected in such a sinful nature?  

We get to see the extreme love and admiration Jesus has for his Father and to keep his house a house of worship and honor.   We also get to see the way that our Faith grows in God.  All throughout John there are tiny glimpses into confirmation of God’s word and a confirmation that Jesus the man they are following is indeed the Son of God.   We get to see their Faith grow before our eyes as God brings to remembrance words they read earlier or things they have been told before they met Jesus. 
Our Faith grows in God when we see his word at work in our lives.  The word could be from Jesus, from the Bible, from another Christian book we have read or a word that God has shared with you but our Faith grows from seeing the confirmation of the words we have been given. 

It’s like a seed, and I know there are many references to seeds in the Bible but this is what came to mind.   One tiny seed if planted correctly can create a strong oak tree.   The seed of God’s word is to be planted in our hearts, minds and souls and when watered with time spent in prayer, reading and in God’s presence, the seed will be fertilized, and begin to shed its outer layer and break apart or sprout into the ground, or our flesh.  As the seed sprouts it has to push its way through the ground, or our flesh, and this is where the pain occurs.

You can’t push through something without tearing the fibers apart to make room for what is being pushed through.  In this case the seed of the word has sprouted into our flesh and for it to flourish and grow it has to push its way through our flesh, or our thoughts, emotions, wills, feelings, ideas, plans, reasoning, worry, anger and so on and so on. 

This is how I believe Faith works.   You get a “mustard” seed of Faith, which God supplies us with as much Faith as we need for every situation. 

You get a “mustard” seed of Faith and when you water that “mustard” seed with God’s word, prayer and time with him the “mustard” seed or your Faith grows.   You will begin to trust God more with your life because his Faithfulness will no longer be in question.  This is why when we have a problem we are instructed to go to God instead of ourselves, or our friends.   When you take your problems to God your “mustard” seed is given the chance to grow as God walks you through your problem and gives you a solution to your problem. 

Faith is a beautiful thing and one that we really need to treasure because without it now that would be Hell.    We really need to spend more time understanding Faith and how it works so if that time ever comes when your Faith has been shaken you can reference, like the disciples did, what God has already done in your life, and know that you can push on in Faith, knowing God will deliver you from this situation as well. 

Just remember that when you get to the end of the situation, trial or whatever your believing God for, that you Glorify his name in the end.   When your trial is over and you are standing at the end with your lesson learned and your renewed Faith or growing Faith remember the ones who gave it to you. 

Take time to Thank your Heavenly Father for walking with you throughout this time in your life and give him thanks.  Thank the Holy Spirit for comforting you and giving you wisdom and for taking your prayers to God.  Remember to thank Jesus for his sacrifice for you on the Cross so that you have the chance to grow your Faith.   

I know this is hard and hopefully, we will all come to this space in life, but remember to thank God during your trial.  Remember to give him thanks for walking with you through the trial and that you know everything will be OK.  You will be delivered like Meshach, Shad rack and Abednego were from the fiery furnace, and you won’t smell like smoke. 

We must remember that since God is our temple our home and he now lives in us, we are his home and his temple.  We are the house of God.  We carry the Holy Spirit with us everywhere we go.    This means that there is a greater sense of urgency when it comes to respecting the house that God lives in.  I am not going to go further with that I am sure we will touch that topic at another time.

To sum this all up, is to say, that there are signs of God’s greatness all around us and we need to remember to look for them.  To look for the opportunity to grow and connect with our Heavenly Father throughout the day.

 We need to do our part to keep the name of God holy in the eyes of the people watching us.  Just as the disciples were watching Jesus react in the Temple people are watching us and how we rise or fall to any situation around us.   We are a testament to our Lord and Savior and when we feel like our Flesh is being ripped apart, remember it’s just a seed of Faith pushing out the dirt in us and sprouting God’s Faith and Word in our lives.   We will never enter a fire too hot for us and we will never enter it alone.   There will always be a second man on the scene.  We might not see him physically but if we search our hearts and bow our heads we will surely feel him.   

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