Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is your faith prepared for the boundless gift God has for you?

God does not hold out on blessing you or sharing himself with you.  God wants to rain blessings over you but you have to have an attitude of believing and receiving for those things to come to pass. 

In John 3:34 it says,  for since he whom God has sent speaks the words of God, God does not give him his spirit sparingly or by measure, but boundless is the gift God makes of his spirit. 

What this is telling us is that God is never going to give you something in part.  God will never say to you I am giving this to you and only give you a little bit of it.   You will be gifted upon your measure of Faith.  If you only have Faith for the small things in life, the everyday things, than God will be able to only go that far with you with your gifts. 

God will never string something over your head and say here this is yours now believe for it, if he doesn’t know you have the ability to believe for it.  We are the ones who are blocking our blessings.  We are the ones who stop the plans that God has.   Oh, ye of little faith.   That’s us, not God.

When God speaks to you that’s like money in the bank.  That’s like someone writing out a check to you without filling in the dollar amount because the account is limitless.  The account is bound by how much you are able to believe for. 

I know in John 3:34 that John was speaking to his disciples on how he was called to serve and prepare the world for Jesus, but this statement revealed something different to me.

When we have been promised something from God and God cannot lie, which we see in John 3:33, why then do we still battle internally with the promise?  

I have been dealing with a relationship that ended very abruptly and have been in such confusion over this relationship that it has manifested itself in other things in my life.  I have been praying for him and for restoration of our relationship, if that is God’s will.   During my time of meditation I will sometimes hear from God and I believe that God has revealed to me some plans he has for this relationship.  Now, from the human eye this relationship has ended, but I need to remember that God’s view point is expansive and mine is limited. 

God is the Alpha and the Omega.  He is the beginning and the end.  He has revealed things to me that I never wanted in my life and as time is going by he is bringing those things forth and changing my desires for life. 

So when I was reading John 3:34 I was stuck on this verse.  I knew there was something here for me to see and learn.  Something meant to change me, or at least start the process of changing me.  I wrote in my Bible you shall know them by their fruit and I read and re-read the verse and I feel like what this verse is saying to me is, God will not give you in part.

He will not say here is half of a house now go get the other half.  He won’t give you a promise or vision for your life without giving you the ability to achieve the promise of vision.

What I am learning is that God will deposit a dream into your heart and he will begin preparing you for it even when it doesn’t seem like it’s possible at all.  God will start to ask you to do some of the craziest things in preparation for your deliverance.   He is asking you to do these things because he wants to see if you believe him and if you will obey him.  He needs to see your obedience to his word and promise so that he can start to move things around to bring forth his promise.

A check and balance system that God has installed is what fruit are you producing from the promise God has given you?  Meaning, if you hear from God and it is truly God, and not the voice of yourself or the enemy you should be able to match that up against God’s word and the Fruit you receive. 

God has instructed me to start writing to prepare me for my purpose in life and he has been preparing me for this for a couple years but I didn’t realize it.  I started having a desire to write and read more.  I’ve been finding myself wanting to spend more time with God and his word than doing anything else.  When I write something I will share it with a small selected few and the response I receive is always favorable.  This to me is saying I am producing good fruit. 

The writing isn’t a struggle for me to do, and when I don’t do it I actually feel like there is something missing in my day.  It is bringing me closer to God and deepening my relationship with him, which in turn is changing me from the inside out.   This is being reflected in the music I listen to, the language I use and what I spend my free time doing.   The subtle changes are God’s way of saying to me you are on the right track.

Now, if the writing was something that I labored over and made me stressed and panicked and there weren’t any positive confirmations from the people around you this could be an example of bad fruit.   This doesn’t always mean that you didn’t hear from God but I would strongly suggest taking it to prayer and spending time with God to get a clear view on what you are supposed to be doing.  Maybe there is a slight change to what you are doing that is blocking the process from you and stealing your peace from the process. 

We are instructed to always step out in Faith and see what happens.  God will always meet you after you take the step but you will be able to tell internally and by your fruit if your step was the correct one to make or not.

What we need to focus on and keep close to our hearts is that God does not give his spirit sparingly or by measure but boundless is the gift God makes of his spirit.  

God will always give you more than you need and deserve and he will always over deliver.  When we put our faith and trust in whom it needs to be placed in, which are God and not man, we are able to receive the gift of his spirit.  

God’s spirit is with you everywhere you go, which means you can call on him whenever you need him and know that he is showing up full force and ready to help you anytime you need him!

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