Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Follow God's plan, not your own!

Romans 8:28 (Amplified Bible) We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose.
This was the very first Bible verse that I ever put to memory after I surrendered my life to Jesus in my mid-twenties.   I was very proud of myself that I could remember that verse and every time someone would reference that verse I would internally puff up as if I had a clue what it meant.    I didn’t have a clue, by the way.
This verse keeps revealing itself to me over and over, again.  I love this verse for many reasons, but tonight in my reading I figured God would allow me to skim right over it, because I know it so well, and that would not be what I was led to write about.  How wrong I was…yet again!
Actually I believe that God has led me to break this verse apart, and with His help do it some justice and give us some understanding.    In the first line of this verse we are reading We are assured and know.    The definition of the word assured in the Merriam-Webster dictionary says, sure or certain to happen; very confident; sure that something is certain or true.    The definition of the word know is:  to have information of some kind in your mind; to understand something; to have a clear complete idea of something. 
So…  The statement we are assured and know is telling us that we are certain and have a clear understanding of.   That God being a partner in their labor.  In this part of the verse, the reference to their would be us and partner would be the partnership between us and God.  So this is saying that God is our partner in our labor.  We are not laboring alone.  We are not working alone.  We are not standing alone, we are standing with God.  We should be certain and understand that we are standing with God and that He is working with us, to complete our purpose.  
All things work together and are (fitting into a plan).  As we know, when we were created, we were created with a plan and a purpose.  God had intention when he created you and everything about you was already known by God, before you were created.    There is nothing that you do that is a surprise to God.   When you are following God and working with Him, in connection and relationship with Him, everything (all things) work together and are fitting into a plan, because your plan has already be pre-destined.  
So far we understand that We are assured (sure and certain) and know (understand) that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are (fitting into a plan).  We are co-workers with God bringing forth the plan that He has already pre-destined for us.  We are working with Him and we are never working on this plan alone.   
For good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose.   This to me is somewhat redundant, but needed.   Paul needs to drive the point home here.  He needs us to grasp that we are not alone in the pursuit.  BUT we need to understand that we are not the captains of this plan, God is.  We are not commissioning God to work on our plan; God has commissioned us to work on His plan, for us.
This statement is saying it’s all going to work out for good for those who love God.  You must have already accepted Jesus; you must have already surrendered yourself over to God, to show Him your love.   This is also when you get the Holy Spirit, who helps guide you into your plan and purpose.  The plan and purpose that God intended for you, before your creation.
It’s important that we realize here that God is asking us to work with Him on His plan for us, not our plans for Him.  We can’t be upset with God when we have a plan and then expect to take Romans 8:28 to Him and expect Him to move.  That’s not what this verse means.
This verse is telling us to know God.  Accept Jesus, step number one.  Accept the Holy Spirit into your life, step number two.  Start to walk out the plan that God designed for you, before your creation, step number three.   Step number four, is be assured, be certain, be sure and know, have an understanding that God is on your side.  You need to know God.  You need to know who He is before you can do what He has destined for you to do.   But know that once you know these things that He has your back.  He is working for you harder than you are working for you.  He is putting Angels to work on every plan He has commissioned you to do.  He is closing and opening doors for you.
We can rest, we can rely in, we can believe in and we can trust on the truth that is God’s word.   God has told us in Romans 8:28, a verse that reveals deeper truth and understanding to me every time I read it.  That he is never, ever going to walk away from me, as long as I do my part.   As long as I am in relationship with Him, connecting with Him, spending time in His word, He will always work all things out for my good.
We have a very small part in that job.  It’s a very small task that He is asking of us.  All He is asking us to do is Believe in Him, Believe in His Son, Believe He is Able and Love Him, and He will do the rest.   We have the easy part, don’t you think?
Romans 8:28 The first Bible Verse I ever learned…                                                  

We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose.  


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