Thursday, July 31, 2014

I can't help telling what I have seen and heard.

Acts 4:20 But we (ourselves) cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.

This is a bold statement that Peter and John made before the High priest and the Military commander.  This statement was made in regards, obviously, to Jesus, and speaking about him, but more specifically to the healing that Peter and John had just done in Jesus’ name outside the temple named Beautiful.

Peter and John were headed into the Temple and came across a man who for forty plus years has been crippled.  It was this man’s daily ritual to go to the Temple and beg people for money.
On this day he saw Peter and John, the apostles of Jesus, and he locked eyes with Peter.  Peter and John came over to him and as it reads in Acts 3:6 Peter says,  Silver and gold (money) I do not have; but what I do have, that I give to you: in (the use of) the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!  7 Then he took hold of the man’s right hand with a firm grip and raised him up.  And at once his feet and ankle bones became strong and steady.
This to my knowledge is the first act of healing that an apostle has done, through the name of Jesus Christ, since Jesus was taken to Heaven on a cloud, after His was raised from death.  
As I am sure you can believe this caused a stir of excitement and wonder around the Temple and quickly news traveled of the miracle that was performed.   This is news that is going to travel quickly as the man, has been crippled since birth.  Just as I am sure this caused a stirring in the body of Christ, and brought new believers to God, I am sure this was not something that the priests and the hierarchy of those days appreciated. 
They probably thought, where is this all coming from, I thought we crucified Jesus, the one who was preforming miracles.  I am sure they were very confused and maybe even a little scared and threatened of such news. 
These things, feelings and emotions, whatever you want to call them, still exist in today’s world.   People still feel threatened and feel the need to lash out to people who are devoted to following God.  We are still fighting today the battles that the original disciples and apostles battled over two thousand years ago. 
Though the battles might come in different packages and the miracles are seen in different ways, the feelings and disdain are all the same.
After arresting Peter and John and having them spend the day in prison, they decided to have a chat with them.  The priests, magistrates, elders and scribes all knew that they couldn’t deny that they had witnessed a miracle, and the word had spread so quickly that there was no way to talk away what had just happened.  They didn’t know what to do, so that’s why they chose to speak with Peter and John.  They were trying to understand or have wisdom on what they are doing, and how this all has happened.
This to me was not a smart move on their part.  Here they are trying to diffuse the issue, but in fact they are actually bringing more attention to the issue.  Their fear was working through them and entering them into an even harder situation to come out of then what they already had been in.
After speaking with Peter and John and hearing the passion that Peter was speaking with, because at the time Peter was no longer speaking for himself.  Peter was no longer allowing his brain to make his decisions; he was now following, fully, the leadership of the Holy Spirit that lived inside of him.  Peter told them that they shouldn’t be surprised by what has happened as they themselves chose to crucify Christ, for doing what Peter and John had just done.
They were not quite sure how these men were so dumbfounded by the healing that had just taken place, when in fact this is the same things that Jesus had done.
Acts 3:13 is awesome.  If this was a movie, this is the part where the audience would cheer, in my mind, because the underdog proves his point.  13 Now when they saw the boldness and unfettered eloquence of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and untrained in the schools (common men with no educational advantages), they marveled; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus.
There was nothing they could do.  Just like you and I, there is nothing we can do.  When Jesus shows up and shows out, there is nothing you can do to stop His works.  You really should at that point, whether you are a believer or non-believer you should throw your hands in the air and take a seat and watch what is going to take place in front of you.  I promise you by the end you and all the people around you will walk away with a deeper faith and awe of Jesus then you had before.
All these men could do was try and force Peter and John to no longer speak of Jesus and teach about Him.  Ha!  That’s what I think Acts 3:20 is.  I think this is Peter’s polite way of saying HA… in their faces.
Acts 3:20 But we (ourselves) cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.
I love this verse, because it is so true. 
When God reveals himself in your life and He starts to take all the broken pieces and mends them back together, all you want to do is speak about Him.  When God says, ok, now is the time for me to make a change in a person who was broken, afflicted and cast aside and change them from the inside out, how can you ever expect the person whose life was just changed to be keeping that secret? 
This is how Peter and John felt.  How are we to keep quiet about a Man who has changed our lives?  How are they supposed to contain the love they have for Jesus.  How are they to go against the words that Jesus spoke to them, when He called them into relationship with Him, and after His resurrection?
I couldn’t do that… could you?
When Jesus starts to, as I call it, show up and show out, in your life, there is no possible way that anyone would be able to contain the amazing things that are happening to them.  Jesus knows this and that’s why He does it.
That’s why Jesus chooses the Meek and lowly of the world and uses them to change the world.  The person you would never consider is the person that Jesus say’s alright; I can work with and through this person.
I can take this life, change it, mold it, repair it, restore it and put it on show, and show the rest of the world, that I am!   God doesn’t take the one that you expect to be used to bring souls to Him, no, He uses the one that no one would ever expect. 
I couldn’t imagine someone telling me that I can’t speak of my God.  That I can’t share my overwhelming love and admiration for my Lord and Savior.   I speak of God everywhere and anywhere, and that’s exactly what Peter and John were doing. 
They saw a need and a way to bring glory and awareness to Jesus, and they took it.  They did what God expects us to do.  They didn’t do it in their ability.  They didn’t take the credit for the works.  They weren’t boastful or inflated by the healing that they helped usher into the world.  No, they were humble and excited.  They were expectant and honored all at the same time.
These miracles are not forgotten or past our abilities.  These miracles are still happening today, we can make them happen today.  We can call on the name of Jesus, and through His ability we can also make the crippled walk, the blind see and heal the brokenhearted.  We too can take part in the healing powers of Jesus. 
Anyone who has had a touch of God’s love for you will never be able to hide it or behind it.  God will shine brightly through you and people will seek you out as they too follow the Holy Spirit inside of them.
We are to be God’s eyes and ears on this earth.  We are His feet and we are who He works through.  We are the vessels that God uses to bring the unsaved to Him, so they, just like us, will speak openly and proudly of Jesus the Messiah.
Acts 3:20 But we (ourselves) cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.
Are you part of the can’t keep your mouth shut club… I am!!


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